Chiropractors helping patients battle the flu is not a new occurrence either. During the 1917-18 influenza epidemic, which brought death and fear to many Americans, it has been estimated that 20 million people died throughout the world, including about 500,000 Americans. It was chiropractic’s success in caring for flu victims that led to the profession’s licensure in many states.
Researchers reported that in Davenport, Iowa, out of the 93,590 patients treated by medical doctors, there were 6,116 deaths -- a loss of one patient out of every 15. Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic adjusted 1,635 cases, with only one death. Outside Davenport, chiropractors in Iowa cared for 4,735 cases with only six deaths -- one out of 866. During the same epidemic, in Oklahoma, out of 3,490 flu patients under chiropractic care, there were only seven deaths. Furthermore, chiropractors were called in 233 cases given up as lost after medical treatment, and reportedly saved all but 25. In another report covering 4,193 cases by 213 chiropractors 4,104 showed complete recovery.
“These results are not so surprising given what we now know about the interaction between the nervous system and the immune system” stated Dr. Matthew McCoy, WCA Board member and Editor of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. “Through research we know that chiropractic has beneficial effects on immunoglobulins, B-lymphocytes (white blood cells), pulmonary function and other immune system processes.”
Flu season wellness plan should include chiropractic care
CHANDLER, ARIZ, Nov. 8, 2004 -- The World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA) is recommending that people of all ages add chiropractic to their strategy for warding off and fighting the flu and its effects this season.
Spinal adjustments can have a positive effect on immune function, the WCA asserts, citing a growing number of researchers who are exploring the common denominators in disease processes, and the role of the nervous, immune, and hormonal systems in development of immune related illnesses,
Chiropractic corrects spinal abnormalities called vertebral subluxations that result in interference of the nervous system by placing pressure on nerves. Since the nervous system controls all functions of the body -- including the immune system -- chiropractic care can have a positive effect on immune function, WCA officials note.
“Contemporary research is beginning to shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms which may explain the outstanding clinical results chiropractors have experienced when managing patients with viral and infectious diseases,” stated Dr. Christopher Kent, WCA Vice President.
Dr. Kent explained: “A comprehensive review of the research literature reveals the current understanding that the brain and immune system are the two major adaptive systems in the body. During an immune response, the brain and the immune system 'talk to each other' and this process is essential for maintaining homeostasis or balance in the body."
Since its inception, chiropractic has asserted that viruses and microbes don't threaten us all equally and that a healthy immune system easily repels most invaders. The immune system protects us from the flu, as well as any other infectious disease, and strives to get us well again when we do fall ill. Our immune system, like every other system in the body, is coordinated and controlled by the nervous system.
Chiropractors are also aware of the importance of positive health life style practices (rest, drinking ample quantities of water, diet, exercise, proper food choices, use of high potency multivitamins and minerals, and stress reduction approaches) that can also positively influence the nervous system and immune response. According to a large study of the chiropractic profession recently conducted by the Institute for Social Research, Ohio Northern University (McDonald et al., 2003), chiropractors also customarily advise their patients as to the benefits of these other modalities in optimizing overall body function.
Chiropractors helping patients battle the flu is not a new occurrence either. During the 1917-18 influenza epidemic, which brought death and fear to many Americans, it has been estimated that 20 million people died throughout the world, including about 500,000 Americans. It was chiropractic’s success in caring for flu victims that led to the profession’s licensure in many states.
Researchers reported that in Davenport, Iowa, out of the 93,590 patients treated by medical doctors, there were 6,116 deaths -- a loss of one patient out of every 15. Chiropractors at the Palmer School of Chiropractic adjusted 1,635 cases, with only one death. Outside Davenport, chiropractors in Iowa cared for 4,735 cases with only six deaths -- one out of 866. During the same epidemic, in Oklahoma, out of 3,490 flu patients under chiropractic care, there were only seven deaths. Furthermore, chiropractors were called in 233 cases given up as lost after medical treatment, and reportedly saved all but 25. In another report covering 4,193 cases by 213 chiropractors 4,104 showed complete recovery.
“These results are not so surprising given what we now know about the interaction between the nervous system and the immune system” stated Dr. Matthew McCoy, WCA Board member and Editor of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research. “Through research we know that chiropractic has beneficial effects on immunoglobulins, B-lymphocytes (white blood cells), pulmonary function and other immune system processes.”
One such study, conducted by Patricia Brennan Ph.D and her team, found that when a chiropractic “manipulation” was applied to the middle back, the response of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (white blood cells) taken from blood collected 15 minutes after the manipulation was significantly higher than blood collected 15 minutes before and 30 and 45 minutes after the chiropractic procedure. This research demonstrated an “enhanced respiratory burst” following the chiropractic adjustment. This “burst” is needed for our immune cells to destroy invading viruses and bacteria.
Another small study of HIV positive patients was conducted to study the effects of specific chiropractic adjustments to correct vertebral subluxations in the upper neck on the immune systems of HIV positive individuals. Over the six-month period of the study, the group that did not receive chiropractic care experienced a 7.96% decrease in CD4 cell counts, while the adjusted group experienced a 48% increase in CD4 cell counts over the same period.
A large retrospective study conducted by Dr. Robert Blanks and colleagues studied 2,818 individuals undergoing chiropractic care - these individuals reported an average overall improvement, ranging from 7-28%, in a battery of physical symptoms including stiffness/lack of flexibility in the spine, physical pain, fatigue, incidence of colds and flu, headaches, menstrual discomfort, gastrointestinal disorders, allergies, dizziness and falls (Blanks et al., 1997, Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research).
More importantly, the incidence of colds and flu was reduced by an average of 15% in this large population who were undergoing regular chiropractic care.
According to Dr. Terry Rondberg, president of the World Chiropractic Alliance, “While we would love to say we (chiropractors) figured this out, the truth is we didn’t. We simply take advantage of it to help our patients.”
He added that, “In many ways this is old news since the relationship between the nervous system and the immune system was reported by the New York Times in 1993. According to that article ‘Scientists have found the first evidence of an anatomical connection between the nervous system and the immune system. Nerve cell endings in the skin and white blood cells of the immune system are in intimate contact, and chemicals secreted by the nerves can shut down immune system cells nearby.’ Our health care system needs to catch up with the research.”
“I would recommend to any person concerned about the upcoming flu season to add chiropractic to their list of things to do to remove interference to their nervous system, enhance their immune function and give their body every extra bit of security it needs” stated Dr. Rondberg.
Article on the Web
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Chiropractic and Animals

Chiropractic Care for Dogs and Cats
By Dr. Julie Kaufman
"How do know if and when my animal needs chiropractic care?" Many people have heard of or read about such care for animals, but are unaware of the benefits, dangers and general indications for this type of care. It is also important to know how to locate a professional who is fully qualified in the field of animal chiropractic.
In this article I will provide basic information about animal chiropractic to help you understand what it is, when it is appropriate, when it is not appropriate, and who is best qualified to provide such care for your loved animal.
Chiropractic is simple: A mechanical solution for mechanical problems. It is a natural, drug-free adjunct to your animal's total health care. In conjunction with regular veterinary care, chiropractic care can decrease pain, and add quality to your animal's performance, movement, and well being by restoring normal range of motion to your animal's joints.
Chiropractic care is used specifically in cases where an injury has occurred that has caused mechanical upset to the joints, muscles or nerves. It is commonly used for animals who have had slips, falls, or other trauma, arthritis, disc disease (at all stages especially where weakness or paralysis are involved), Wobbler's syndrome, (CVI), in dogs, hip dysplasia, and when animals have become stiff or painful. *
An animal chiropractor should always work with a veterinarian when possible to provide the best overall treatment strategy for the animal's health.
Chiropractic care addresses problems stemming from imbalances in the following three systems:
THE SKELETAL SYSTEM AND THE JOINTS OF THE BODY: Bones and joints form a flexible structure designed to provide pain-free movement when in normal health and alignment.
THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM: Healthy muscles allow the joints to move freely. Healthy muscles are free of spasm, weakness, pain, knots, or degenerative changes.
THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: Nerves are the electrical wires of the body. They "direct" the functions of the body and control the flow of communication between the brain and all areas of the body. When nerves are pinched, reduced performance levels and pain may result. This can quickly lead to a state of poor health.
Chiropractic care is extremely helpful for animals having problems involving the joints, muscles and nerves. This is because chiropractic addresses many mechanical causes of disease where the nerves are pinched by a stuck or rotated joint, or by a tight muscle. This type of problem is called “A SUBLUXATION OR MISALIGNMENT".
After a veterinarian has examined the animal and given a referral, two or three adjustments are initially performed. The animal is then monitored for changes to see if there is any measurable improvement. If none is present, your veterinarian is called in to perform further diagnostic work. If your animal has noticeably improved, a future adjustment schedule is determined based on the type and severity of your animal's condition. This range is usually set from 4 weeks to 12 months between adjustments unless the condition is chronic or severe and requires more frequent visits.
Chiropractors treat subluxations by gently adjusting the misaligned area into alignment. In most cases this restores proper skeletal movement, muscle and nerve function. My adjustments are LOW FORCE and GENTLE, the equivalent of an adjustment for a human infant. Most animals noticeably enjoy their adjustment. Adjustments for animals are generally low force and pain free because animal chiropractic does not involve as much force as some human techniques.
To give you some idea of what owners saw in their animals that caused them to seek out chiropractic care, I will briefly share some of the cases I have seen over the years.
About 3 years ago, I saw a 13-year-old dog that had fallen over an 85-foot waterfall while chasing a ball. This had happened over a year prior to the owner seeking treatment. The dog's symptoms included back and pelvic pain, general fatigue and a noticeable change in personality. She responded well to a few treatments, had no more pain, became her "old self” again, and is now adjusted only once or twice a year as needed.
I have worked with a wildlife rehabilitator over the years doing charity adjustments for several birds of prey under her care. One hawk that she brought into our clinic had flown into a picture window and injured her wing and neck. The vet treatment had gone well however she still could not fly. We treated her neck, which had been compressed from the head on collision. The adjustments were ultra low force because birds have bones that are porous. The hawk responded well and was released back into the wild.
I worked on a cat that had been picked up off of his deck by a predator hawk. (I doubt it was the same hawk I had adjusted!) It was suspected that there was internal damage and a vet recommended euthanasia. We got a vet referral and worked on the cat once because the owner could not let one last chance for help pass by. She promised to put him down if the treatment did not work because none of us could bear to see him suffer. He responded miraculously and lived several more years with no major problems. When he was due for a chiropractic treatment, his tail would start to droop and the owners would bring him in. He was a really smart fellow and each time I would call and leave a message on the owner's answering machine he would come right down and knock it off of the counter. Do you believe some say animals don't know what is going on!
Last year I saw a horse that was quite curious and apparently hungry. She climbed up the steps from the lower barn up to the hay storage above. Unfortunately, she did not make the steep stairs designed for humans and fell backward down the stairs. The owners saw the need for chiropractic and brought her right over for a few sessions. Nothing in vet medicine could have helped such a mechanical injury. Thank goodness she is back to her antics again.
The final case is one I see often. It is a case of disc disease. I see roughly 10-15 dogs per week with some degree of disc problem. In this case, a young Beagle suddenly started shaking, crying and was unable to get up. The veterinary school recommended immediate surgery because several disks had collapsed. The owners wanted to try conservative methods first and use surgery as a last effort due to the expense and invasiveness of it. The dog had no reflexes and was totally paralyzed in both rear legs. She was also incontinent. A holistic veterinary acupuncturist and I worked on her weekly for six weeks during which time she regained full use of her back end. She is 100% normal. We now treat her every 3 months as a preventative measure. Several years have passed and she has not had any reoccurrence.
There are also some cases where chiropractic did not help the animal. Fortunately these are not frequent but I feel a need to mention them for the sake of fairness. One such case was a dog that was hit by a car. Her shoulder was damaged and she suffered severe muscle loss. We knew she had "radial nerve" damage, which is the major nerve to the back of the front leg and shoulder blade muscles. We could not tell if the nerve damage was caused by a severed nerve or by a pinched nerve. After 2 or 3 treatments, it became apparent that the nerve was severed and was not going to heal. I had to tell the client that there was no more we could do. In cases wherthe nerve is severed or "dead", chiropractic will not help. Fortunately, there is not a large expense involved in trying a couple of treatments.
If your animal presents any of the following signs or symptoms, contact your veterinarian for an examination and consider chiropractic as a treatment option.
There are times when chiropractic care may be detrimental to your animal. In cases where your animal has a type of cancer that has spread to the bone it is not advised that any force be applied to the skeletal structures. I must say that several of my patients are on chemotherapy for non-bone-related cancers and respond well to low force chiropractic as an adjunct to their cancer treatment.
I remember a few years ago, I had a client who came into one of the vet clinics I work in. The client brought x-rays of her dog's pelvis along. He was an older German Shepherd who presented with rear end pain and weakness. When I viewed the x-rays with some of the veterinary staff, we noticed bone loss that could have been caused by cancer of some other degenerative disease. I declined to treat the dog until the original vet had reviewed the x-rays, fearing that any manipulation might make the condition worse. The client was enraged that I would not adjust her dog and stormed out of the clinic. I was sad for the dog but could not treat the dog with any integrity knowing that I could have caused more pain and suffering. This is one reason that I recommend that vets and chiropractors work together.
Some other cases where chiropractic may not be appropriate are:
1. Immediately following surgery. It is important to let the animal heal for at least a week after a minor surgery and two weeks after a major surgery before performing an adjustment.
2. In cases where a fracture or major dislocation is suspected.
3. In cases where the stress of being adjusted outweigh the possible benefits. This may include some animals that are extremely anxious or aggressive and may not reap the benefit of the treatment.
4. Animals who are under heavy sedation or anesthesia. Damage may occur to the animal's structures while sedated. I do however treat one or two cats very gently under sedation. They are extreme cases where the cat is known to be an aggressive biter who is showing serious signs of back pain. In such cases we only adjust once or twice and preferably while the animal is under anesthesia for other procedures such as dental care.
5. In some cases where there is a history of seizures. I have found that chiropractic may increase the activity of some types of seizures and is therefore not recommended. I do treat select seizure cases where the animal is on medication to control the seizures and/ or a ketogenic diet which has been effective in controlling the seizure activity. Many times I refer animals that have a history of seizures to an animal acupuncturist.
6. With some types of infections, it is not advisable to adjust. If the type of infection travels by blood, or is at risk of spreading by increased circulation, it is not advisable to adjust. In cases of large bruised areas, this same principal applies but the Dr. may be able to work around this area and still provide some relief for the animal.
At This time, animal chiropractic certification courses are open to licensed veterinarians and Chiropractors only. The courses are offered through an organization called the American Veterinary Chiropractic Association, AVCA. Chiropractors and Veterinarians must take a series of courses and then pass oral, written and practical examinations to become eligible for certified animal chiropractor status, C.A.C.
It is wise to contact the AVCA, at to locate a certified animal chiropractor near you.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Chiropractic and Infertility
Infertility Helped With Chiropractic
In the scientific periodical the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (JCCP), comes a study that involved the literature review of 10 different papers of the cases of 11 women who were suffering from infertility. The review, published in the bi-yearly JCCP March 2008 issue, reviewed the case studies of 11 women ages 22 to 42 who were diagnosed as suffering from Infertility.
According to the article, Infertility is defined as an inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse or to carry a pregnancy to term." The author of the review Stacy Bula D.C., notes that in the US infertility impacts six million women between the ages of 15 and 54. According to the study the US Centers for Disease Control reported that in 2004 there were 127,977 artificial reproductive procedures performed to try to help women get pregnant. The study notes that although only 34% of the medical procedures attempted will result in a live birth, the costs can range up to $30,000 per menstrual cycle attempt.
In the cases reported in this literature review study, the cases of eleven female patients were reviewed from 10 separate documented case studies. Their histories included one natural childbirth, two miscarriages, two failed in-vitro fertilizations, and three failed artificial inseminations. In some of these cases the women sought chiropractic care for a variety of other problems in addition to infertility. Some of the additional problems that brought the women to a chiropractor included, ulcerative colitis, lower back pain, neck pain, menstrual cycle problems, diabetes and joint pains.
The average age of the women in the various studies was 32. In 10 of the 11 cases the women were actively trying to become pregnant and were unsuccessful. Several had unsuccessfully tried more expensive and risky procedures. The author noted that the standard medical care for infertility, "..can have serious health problems for both the mother and child."
The results from these various case studies showed that all 11 women got pregnant shortly after the start of chiropractic care. The author of the review noted that 9 of the 11 did not receive any further medical care to become pregnant. The care rendered in all of these cases was specific correction of vertebral subluxations using a variety of chiropractic analyses and techniques. The author noted that correction of vertebral subluxations caused an improvement in function which allowed the women of these studies to become pregnant.
In her conclusion, Dr. Bula stated, "The ten case studies examined in this paper suggest that regardless of the type of chiropractic technique used, when subluxations of the vertebral spine were adjusted there was a simultaneous improvement in function of the reproductive organs and related endocrine system."
Another case study
A study published in the May 2003 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a strong link between the resolution of infertility and the initiation of chiropractic care. The study consisted of a retrospective review of 14 separate articles of 15 women suffering with infertility. In each of these cases chiropractic care was introduced and the results were documented and published.
The studies followed 15 female subjects ranging in age from 22 to 65. The prior pregnancy history of these women revealed 11 of them had never gotten pregnant. Two of the women had prior successful unassisted pregnancies. One woman had an assisted pregnancy, while 1 had a history of a miscarriage. In this group 9 women had previous treatment for infertility before starting chiropractic and 4 were actually undergoing infertility treatment when they started chiropractic care.
The study noted the huge expense of infertility treatment options currently used by many couples noting the range of expenses can easily go into the thousands. The article also noted that in vitro fertilization has shown evidence of long term risks. A study published in November 2002 in the online version of the American Journal of Human Genetics reported that “babies conceived by in vitro fertilization may be at increased risk for a rare genetic disorder that predisposes them to cancer”.
The chiropractic care rendered to the women listed in this study was from a variety of chiropractors using a variety of techniques. The focus of the care in these cases was correction of vertebral subluxations. The research article defined Subluxation by using the agreed definition of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. Subluxation, as defined by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, is a “complex of functional and / or structural and / or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health". The study noted that all of the women in these studies, who were struggling with infertility, had evidence of nerve system interference, as detected by the presence of subluxations.
The results of these individual case studies showed that even though many of these women had tried unsuccessfully for some time to become pregnant, all of the women in this study eventually became pregnant somewhere between 2 months and 20 months of the onset of chiropractic care. One of the case studies was summed up by the author, Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock, DC, DICCP, "Although chiropractic care is not a treatment for infertility, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity through specific chiropractic adjustments may have contributed to improved homeostasis and physiological adaptation thus allowing the body to express a greater level of health as an outcome."
Another case study
Infertility and Chiropractic
Several recent published case studies have highlighted the benefits and miraculous results of chiropractic care for patients who were unsuccessful in their attempt to have children. In three successive issues of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, (JVSR), case studies were published of women who were having trouble with infertility, and who were helped by chiropractic care.
The December 8, 2003 JVSR reported on a case study of a 32-year-old female with a history of infertility, who had attempted to become pregnant since August 1999, with no success and sought chiropractic care in November of 2001. Prior to the chiropractic care, she had received unsuccessful conventional medical treatment, including detailed fertility testing, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and treatment with the fertility drug Clomid. She sought chiropractic care on November 3, 2001. Chiropractic analysis and correction were performed over the next six weeks and during this time, the patient’s secondary complaints of low back pain and headaches improved dramatically. Additionally, the patient’s fertility specialists noted that her estrogen levels, endometrial thickness, and cervical mucus levels were all at more favorable levels than at the time of the first in vitro attempt. A second attempt at in vitro fertilization was made on February 17, 2002, and the patient had a positive pregnancy test on March 2, 2002.
The second case was that of a thirty-four year old woman who presented for chiropractic care on January 10, 2000. Her concerns listed a variety of conditions, including a history of infertility. This patient made no other alterations in her lifestyle or clinical situation besides the addition of chiropractic care. Approximately 4-5 weeks into the care program the patient conceived naturally.
The third case was interesting because the woman was not trying to conceive. This case was that of a 65-year young female who presented with agonizing low back pain and severe lumbar degeneration. After four weeks of care she began spotting and was diagnosed as having a normal menstrual cycle. What was really interesting about this case was that she had experienced a severe fall at 13 years of age which resulted in a complete cessation of her menses at 18. She was diagnosed as infertile.
In each of these cases the chiropractic care was specific for correction of vertebral subluxations that were determined to be interfering with the normal function of the nervous system. This in turn disrupted the reproductive system of the patients. The conclusion of one of the studies sums up the process by saying, "The human body is designed to be healthy and to reproduce. Impairment of this ability indicates dysfunction on a fundamental level. Subluxations of the spine and the associated nervous system dysfunction can hinder proper function of body systems."
In the scientific periodical the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics (JCCP), comes a study that involved the literature review of 10 different papers of the cases of 11 women who were suffering from infertility. The review, published in the bi-yearly JCCP March 2008 issue, reviewed the case studies of 11 women ages 22 to 42 who were diagnosed as suffering from Infertility.
According to the article, Infertility is defined as an inability to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse or to carry a pregnancy to term." The author of the review Stacy Bula D.C., notes that in the US infertility impacts six million women between the ages of 15 and 54. According to the study the US Centers for Disease Control reported that in 2004 there were 127,977 artificial reproductive procedures performed to try to help women get pregnant. The study notes that although only 34% of the medical procedures attempted will result in a live birth, the costs can range up to $30,000 per menstrual cycle attempt.
In the cases reported in this literature review study, the cases of eleven female patients were reviewed from 10 separate documented case studies. Their histories included one natural childbirth, two miscarriages, two failed in-vitro fertilizations, and three failed artificial inseminations. In some of these cases the women sought chiropractic care for a variety of other problems in addition to infertility. Some of the additional problems that brought the women to a chiropractor included, ulcerative colitis, lower back pain, neck pain, menstrual cycle problems, diabetes and joint pains.
The average age of the women in the various studies was 32. In 10 of the 11 cases the women were actively trying to become pregnant and were unsuccessful. Several had unsuccessfully tried more expensive and risky procedures. The author noted that the standard medical care for infertility, "..can have serious health problems for both the mother and child."
The results from these various case studies showed that all 11 women got pregnant shortly after the start of chiropractic care. The author of the review noted that 9 of the 11 did not receive any further medical care to become pregnant. The care rendered in all of these cases was specific correction of vertebral subluxations using a variety of chiropractic analyses and techniques. The author noted that correction of vertebral subluxations caused an improvement in function which allowed the women of these studies to become pregnant.
In her conclusion, Dr. Bula stated, "The ten case studies examined in this paper suggest that regardless of the type of chiropractic technique used, when subluxations of the vertebral spine were adjusted there was a simultaneous improvement in function of the reproductive organs and related endocrine system."
Another case study
A study published in the May 2003 issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed a strong link between the resolution of infertility and the initiation of chiropractic care. The study consisted of a retrospective review of 14 separate articles of 15 women suffering with infertility. In each of these cases chiropractic care was introduced and the results were documented and published.
The studies followed 15 female subjects ranging in age from 22 to 65. The prior pregnancy history of these women revealed 11 of them had never gotten pregnant. Two of the women had prior successful unassisted pregnancies. One woman had an assisted pregnancy, while 1 had a history of a miscarriage. In this group 9 women had previous treatment for infertility before starting chiropractic and 4 were actually undergoing infertility treatment when they started chiropractic care.
The study noted the huge expense of infertility treatment options currently used by many couples noting the range of expenses can easily go into the thousands. The article also noted that in vitro fertilization has shown evidence of long term risks. A study published in November 2002 in the online version of the American Journal of Human Genetics reported that “babies conceived by in vitro fertilization may be at increased risk for a rare genetic disorder that predisposes them to cancer”.
The chiropractic care rendered to the women listed in this study was from a variety of chiropractors using a variety of techniques. The focus of the care in these cases was correction of vertebral subluxations. The research article defined Subluxation by using the agreed definition of the Association of Chiropractic Colleges. Subluxation, as defined by the Association of Chiropractic Colleges, is a “complex of functional and / or structural and / or pathological articular changes that compromise neural integrity and may influence organ system function and general health". The study noted that all of the women in these studies, who were struggling with infertility, had evidence of nerve system interference, as detected by the presence of subluxations.
The results of these individual case studies showed that even though many of these women had tried unsuccessfully for some time to become pregnant, all of the women in this study eventually became pregnant somewhere between 2 months and 20 months of the onset of chiropractic care. One of the case studies was summed up by the author, Elizabeth Anderson-Peacock, DC, DICCP, "Although chiropractic care is not a treatment for infertility, it is postulated that improvement of spinal neural integrity through specific chiropractic adjustments may have contributed to improved homeostasis and physiological adaptation thus allowing the body to express a greater level of health as an outcome."
Another case study
Infertility and Chiropractic
Several recent published case studies have highlighted the benefits and miraculous results of chiropractic care for patients who were unsuccessful in their attempt to have children. In three successive issues of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, (JVSR), case studies were published of women who were having trouble with infertility, and who were helped by chiropractic care.
The December 8, 2003 JVSR reported on a case study of a 32-year-old female with a history of infertility, who had attempted to become pregnant since August 1999, with no success and sought chiropractic care in November of 2001. Prior to the chiropractic care, she had received unsuccessful conventional medical treatment, including detailed fertility testing, artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and treatment with the fertility drug Clomid. She sought chiropractic care on November 3, 2001. Chiropractic analysis and correction were performed over the next six weeks and during this time, the patient’s secondary complaints of low back pain and headaches improved dramatically. Additionally, the patient’s fertility specialists noted that her estrogen levels, endometrial thickness, and cervical mucus levels were all at more favorable levels than at the time of the first in vitro attempt. A second attempt at in vitro fertilization was made on February 17, 2002, and the patient had a positive pregnancy test on March 2, 2002.
The second case was that of a thirty-four year old woman who presented for chiropractic care on January 10, 2000. Her concerns listed a variety of conditions, including a history of infertility. This patient made no other alterations in her lifestyle or clinical situation besides the addition of chiropractic care. Approximately 4-5 weeks into the care program the patient conceived naturally.
The third case was interesting because the woman was not trying to conceive. This case was that of a 65-year young female who presented with agonizing low back pain and severe lumbar degeneration. After four weeks of care she began spotting and was diagnosed as having a normal menstrual cycle. What was really interesting about this case was that she had experienced a severe fall at 13 years of age which resulted in a complete cessation of her menses at 18. She was diagnosed as infertile.
In each of these cases the chiropractic care was specific for correction of vertebral subluxations that were determined to be interfering with the normal function of the nervous system. This in turn disrupted the reproductive system of the patients. The conclusion of one of the studies sums up the process by saying, "The human body is designed to be healthy and to reproduce. Impairment of this ability indicates dysfunction on a fundamental level. Subluxations of the spine and the associated nervous system dysfunction can hinder proper function of body systems."
Friday, July 11, 2008
Chiropractic and Asthma
7 Year-Old With Chronic Asthma Responds To Chiropractic Care
The November 26, 2007 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation
Research reports on a case study where a 7 year-old girl with chronic
severe persistent asthma responded very quickly to a course of
chiropractic care.
Her mother reported that her symptoms began around the age of 2 and
by 4 years of age she was diagnosed with asthma. Almost anything from
dust to cold drafts would trigger an asthma attack.
She was taking oral medication twice a day and using 24 inhalations
from three different inhalers four times a day. Singulair, Claritin,
Albuterol, Pulmicort, Tussi, Elidel, Nasonex, Xopenex, Pred Atrovent,
Advair, Crantex, Zantac, PhenerganW/Codeine, Histenex, Tussionex,
Tilade, and Theo 24 were being used to manage her chronic coughs and
fevers. Even at this level of medication she was unable to engage in
any physical activity and experienced daily attacks, nearly constant
wheezing and coughing, a tight and heavy chest and approximately five
visits per year to the emergency room.
Previous research has shown that spinal subluxation involvement in
the upper and lower thoracic spine correlated with the reduction in
forced expiratory volume (the amount of air a person can force out)
that is normally associated with asthma. This patient showed very
high levels of abnormal muscle function in these areas indicating
spinal subluxations or misalignments.
After her first adjustment, the patient’s cough disappeared that
evening. Over the next four weeks, her attacks had stopped completely
and her inhaler use decreased to 0 per day as well. The wheezing,
chest tightness and heaviness subsided and her mother reported that
her activity levels increased from only walking to participating in
swimming and running sports.
Before beginning chiropractic care her lung function measured 54% of
the normal for her height and weight. At her last medical evaluation
her lung function had improved 74% and was now less than 5% below
normal for her height and weight.
The patient is currently being seen 1-2 times per month on a wellness
care basis. She has not been sick or had an attack in more than 3 years. Article on the Web
Click here to see a list of abstracts on Chiropractic and Asthma
The November 26, 2007 issue of the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation
Research reports on a case study where a 7 year-old girl with chronic
severe persistent asthma responded very quickly to a course of
chiropractic care.
Her mother reported that her symptoms began around the age of 2 and
by 4 years of age she was diagnosed with asthma. Almost anything from
dust to cold drafts would trigger an asthma attack.
She was taking oral medication twice a day and using 24 inhalations
from three different inhalers four times a day. Singulair, Claritin,
Albuterol, Pulmicort, Tussi, Elidel, Nasonex, Xopenex, Pred Atrovent,
Advair, Crantex, Zantac, PhenerganW/Codeine, Histenex, Tussionex,
Tilade, and Theo 24 were being used to manage her chronic coughs and
fevers. Even at this level of medication she was unable to engage in
any physical activity and experienced daily attacks, nearly constant
wheezing and coughing, a tight and heavy chest and approximately five
visits per year to the emergency room.
Previous research has shown that spinal subluxation involvement in
the upper and lower thoracic spine correlated with the reduction in
forced expiratory volume (the amount of air a person can force out)
that is normally associated with asthma. This patient showed very
high levels of abnormal muscle function in these areas indicating
spinal subluxations or misalignments.
After her first adjustment, the patient’s cough disappeared that
evening. Over the next four weeks, her attacks had stopped completely
and her inhaler use decreased to 0 per day as well. The wheezing,
chest tightness and heaviness subsided and her mother reported that
her activity levels increased from only walking to participating in
swimming and running sports.
Before beginning chiropractic care her lung function measured 54% of
the normal for her height and weight. At her last medical evaluation
her lung function had improved 74% and was now less than 5% below
normal for her height and weight.
The patient is currently being seen 1-2 times per month on a wellness
care basis. She has not been sick or had an attack in more than 3 years. Article on the Web
Click here to see a list of abstracts on Chiropractic and Asthma
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Chiropractic and Colic
Chiropractic and Colic

Picture: Chiropractic adjustment at six hours old.
Colic: Chiropractic can help
Colic is defined as an unexplainable and uncontrollable crying in babies from 0 to 3 months old, more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for 3 weeks or more, usually in the afternoon and evening hours. The incidence is thought to be about 22.5%. Colic places babies at a high risk for child abuse, including CNS damage or death from shaken baby syndrome.
A recent study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics (1) has concluded, "Spinal manipulation is effective in relieving infantile colic". For a period of two weeks, half of the subjects underwent chiropractic spinal manipulation, while the other half received the drug dimethicone. All of the adjusted babies stayed in the study, while only 64% of the dimethicone babies completed the two-week study. In the course of the study, the children being adjusted saw a 67% reduction in crying and the drug therapy group saw only a 38% reduction in crying. The mean number of adjustments given during the two-week study was 3.8.
One might question the effect of the dropouts from the drug group. The authors commented on this as follows: "By excluding data from the dropouts, we are excluding more severe cases from the dimethicone group, and this has the effect of making that group appear better than it actually was. Thus we are introducing a serious bias against showing a positive effect of spinal manipulation, and despite this, the manipulation group did significantly better."
The findings of this report echo the results of another recent report entitled "The efficacy of chiropractic spinal adjustments ments as a treatment protocol in the management of infantile colic" by Mercer and Cook of South Africa.
Thirty infants from the general public between the ages of 0-8 weeks were randomly divided into two treatment groups. All participating infants were diagnosed as suffering from infantile colic by pediatrician before inclusion into the study. The infants were allocated into the placebo or the experimental group according to the random sampling technique.
The results obtained from the study demonstrated a significant difference in the response to treatment by the experimental group as opposed to the control group. Complete resolution of symptoms was found by 93% of the infants within the two-week treatment period with a maximum of six treatments. In addition, no recurrence of the infantile colic was observed in any experimental infant between cessation of treatment and the follow-up interview one month later.
Similar results have also been found in a study of 316 children where a satisfactory result occurred within 2 weeks in 94% of the cases receiving chiropractic care. 51% of these infants had prior, unsuccessful treatment, usually drug therapy (83%). (2) In yet another study of 132 infant's with colic, 91% of the parents reported an improvement, which occurred after an average of two to three manipulations, and one week after the treatment started. (3)
1. Wiberg JMM, Nordsteen J, Nilsson N. The Short-Term Effect of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial with a Blinded Observer J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999 (Oct); 22 (8): 517-522
2. Klougart N, Nilsson N, Jacobsen J Infantile Colic Treated by Chiropractors: A Prospective Study of 316 Cases J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Aug); 12 (4): 281-8
3. Nilsson N Infant Colic and Chiropractic Eur J Chiropr 1985; 33 (4): 264-265 To find more information about how chiropractic can be beneficial to your child visit here for more information on Chiropractic and Colic.
By Peter N. Fysh, DC
Infantile Colic
Sally was concerned. Her new two month old baby son, Brendan, did not seem to be the normal, happy, and contented baby that she had hoped for. He cried a lot; sometimes for six or seven hours each day and it seemed that nothing Sally did to comfort him would help. She had tried feeding him, changing his diaper, cuddling and rocking him, putting him to bed, but nothing seemed to help.
When Sally took her baby to the pediatrician, the problem was identified as infantile colic, a problem common to newborns in the first few months of life. Sally was advised to watch her diet, as she was breast-feeding Brendan, to avoid rich and spicy foods and to burp him regularly during feeding. This she did as advised but still her baby continued to cry for hours each day. Sally and her husband Bob were getting little sleep and the whole house was affected by the baby's condition.
When Bob visited his chiropractor on the way home from work one afternoon, for his regular spinal adjustment, he happened to mention their baby's plight to the doctor. "Why don't you bring Brendan in and let me evaluate his spine," said the doctor. "His colic may be related to a problem in his spine." At this point, Bob and Sally were looking for any alternative to help their baby.
The following day Sally took her baby to the chiropractor to have his spine evaluated. The doctor evaluated Brendan's spine and found two areas which needed to be corrected. A couple of light, finger-tip adjustments and the job was done. "How could my baby have spinal problems at his young age," Sally asked. "Well," said the chiropractor, "it can often be the trauma from a difficult birth, a long labor or perhaps even the way we burp the baby or pick the baby up from the crib, that produces spinal problems at such a young age."
The following day, Brendan was somewhat better. Sally took him to the chiropractor again for a further adjustment, similar to the ones performed the previous day. Three days after Brendan's first spinal adjustment, Sally just couldn't believe how much her son had improved. He now slept like a baby, only cried when he was hungry or wet, and was once again the perfect baby that Sally knew he was. And Bob slept happily ever after.
What Is Colic?
Infantile colic is the term commonly used to describe an otherwise healthy infant who exhibits persistent, forceful crying for no apparent reason. The crying usually persists for several hours each day and is usually evident at least five days in each week. Parents' attempts to comfort the infant by holding and rocking the child, changing the diaper or by offering nourishment have little or no effect on the condition. The affected infant will have a tense, rumbling abdomen, with knees flexed, tight paraspinal musculature and will emit an excessive amount of gas. Occasionally the head and neck will be arched backwards.
Colic affects about 20 percent of all infants with symptoms most commonly occurring at one to four weeks of age and ending spontaneously at around three to four months. The cause of this condition has not been precisely determined, although many infants have been shown to respond well to chiropractic care.
Research studies into the effects of spinal adjustments for infants with colic have shown excellent results. The most significant study of this condition showed satisfactory improvement in over 90 percent of the infants who received chiropractic care.1
In this study, 316 infants with colic received spinal evaluations and were adjusted as necessary. Improvement was noted within a two week period in 94 percent of the infants treated, on average, after only three treatments.
Evaluation of the Infant's Spine
An infant's spinal evaluation involves examining the entire spine, from the upper cervical region down to the pelvis. The examination includes motion palpation of the spine, to detect areas of decreased movement of the spinal articulations (subluxations), as well as identification of areas of unilateral, asymmetrical muscle spasm.
In the previously referenced study, the findings of the 73 chiropractors involved showed the following:
All but six percent of the infants responded to the chiropractic treatments. Fifty-three percent of the infants responded to adjustment of the upper cervical vertebrae only. Forty-one percent required adjustment of the upper cervical area in addition to the mid-thoracic articulations (T4-T9), while the remaining six percent received adjustments in other regions of the spine (lower cervical, thoracolumbar, lumbosacral and sacroiliac articulations) or a combination of two or more of the above-mentioned areas.
Adjusting the Infant's Spine
The chiropractic treatment of a young infant's spine differs from that which would be necessary for an adult. The infant's spine is more flexible, primarily due to ligament laxity. The immature spine also contains abundant cartilage which will eventually ossify into mature bone. This cartilage is quite strong and flexible, however the adjustive process is modified to ensure that only the lightest thrust is used to correct the subluxated segments. Not only is the force of the adjustment greatly decreased, the contact is usually only lightly applied with the finger tips and the thrust, if used at all, is very modest. The sound of the spine being adjusted, usually heard as a "crack" or "pop" in the adult spine, is frequently absent when adjusting the spine of a young infant. Babies usually tolerate spinal evaluation and adjusting quite well, with no more discomfort than that caused by a physical examination.
The rapid improvement seen after adjusting the spine of an infant with colic suggests that the spine is intimately involved with the digestive process. Research in this field, called the somatogastric reflex, has been developing over the past 15 to 20 years, however, the exact mechanism of involvement of the spine with colic is yet to be determined.
Klougart N, Nilsson N, and Jacobsen J: Infantile colic treated by chiropractors: a prospective study of 316 cases. JMPT, August 1989, Vol 12;4.
Peter N. Fysh, DC
San Jose, California
Editor's Note:
Dr. Fysh is currently conducting pediatric seminars. He may be contacted at (408) 720-8042.
Click to view article on the web.
Chiropractic and Colic

Picture: Chiropractic adjustment at six hours old.
Colic: Chiropractic can help
Colic is defined as an unexplainable and uncontrollable crying in babies from 0 to 3 months old, more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for 3 weeks or more, usually in the afternoon and evening hours. The incidence is thought to be about 22.5%. Colic places babies at a high risk for child abuse, including CNS damage or death from shaken baby syndrome.
A recent study in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiologic Therapeutics (1) has concluded, "Spinal manipulation is effective in relieving infantile colic". For a period of two weeks, half of the subjects underwent chiropractic spinal manipulation, while the other half received the drug dimethicone. All of the adjusted babies stayed in the study, while only 64% of the dimethicone babies completed the two-week study. In the course of the study, the children being adjusted saw a 67% reduction in crying and the drug therapy group saw only a 38% reduction in crying. The mean number of adjustments given during the two-week study was 3.8.
One might question the effect of the dropouts from the drug group. The authors commented on this as follows: "By excluding data from the dropouts, we are excluding more severe cases from the dimethicone group, and this has the effect of making that group appear better than it actually was. Thus we are introducing a serious bias against showing a positive effect of spinal manipulation, and despite this, the manipulation group did significantly better."
The findings of this report echo the results of another recent report entitled "The efficacy of chiropractic spinal adjustments ments as a treatment protocol in the management of infantile colic" by Mercer and Cook of South Africa.
Thirty infants from the general public between the ages of 0-8 weeks were randomly divided into two treatment groups. All participating infants were diagnosed as suffering from infantile colic by pediatrician before inclusion into the study. The infants were allocated into the placebo or the experimental group according to the random sampling technique.
The results obtained from the study demonstrated a significant difference in the response to treatment by the experimental group as opposed to the control group. Complete resolution of symptoms was found by 93% of the infants within the two-week treatment period with a maximum of six treatments. In addition, no recurrence of the infantile colic was observed in any experimental infant between cessation of treatment and the follow-up interview one month later.
Similar results have also been found in a study of 316 children where a satisfactory result occurred within 2 weeks in 94% of the cases receiving chiropractic care. 51% of these infants had prior, unsuccessful treatment, usually drug therapy (83%). (2) In yet another study of 132 infant's with colic, 91% of the parents reported an improvement, which occurred after an average of two to three manipulations, and one week after the treatment started. (3)
1. Wiberg JMM, Nordsteen J, Nilsson N. The Short-Term Effect of Spinal Manipulation in the Treatment of Infantile Colic: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial with a Blinded Observer J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1999 (Oct); 22 (8): 517-522
2. Klougart N, Nilsson N, Jacobsen J Infantile Colic Treated by Chiropractors: A Prospective Study of 316 Cases J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Aug); 12 (4): 281-8
3. Nilsson N Infant Colic and Chiropractic Eur J Chiropr 1985; 33 (4): 264-265 To find more information about how chiropractic can be beneficial to your child visit here for more information on Chiropractic and Colic.
By Peter N. Fysh, DC
Infantile Colic
Sally was concerned. Her new two month old baby son, Brendan, did not seem to be the normal, happy, and contented baby that she had hoped for. He cried a lot; sometimes for six or seven hours each day and it seemed that nothing Sally did to comfort him would help. She had tried feeding him, changing his diaper, cuddling and rocking him, putting him to bed, but nothing seemed to help.
When Sally took her baby to the pediatrician, the problem was identified as infantile colic, a problem common to newborns in the first few months of life. Sally was advised to watch her diet, as she was breast-feeding Brendan, to avoid rich and spicy foods and to burp him regularly during feeding. This she did as advised but still her baby continued to cry for hours each day. Sally and her husband Bob were getting little sleep and the whole house was affected by the baby's condition.
When Bob visited his chiropractor on the way home from work one afternoon, for his regular spinal adjustment, he happened to mention their baby's plight to the doctor. "Why don't you bring Brendan in and let me evaluate his spine," said the doctor. "His colic may be related to a problem in his spine." At this point, Bob and Sally were looking for any alternative to help their baby.
The following day Sally took her baby to the chiropractor to have his spine evaluated. The doctor evaluated Brendan's spine and found two areas which needed to be corrected. A couple of light, finger-tip adjustments and the job was done. "How could my baby have spinal problems at his young age," Sally asked. "Well," said the chiropractor, "it can often be the trauma from a difficult birth, a long labor or perhaps even the way we burp the baby or pick the baby up from the crib, that produces spinal problems at such a young age."
The following day, Brendan was somewhat better. Sally took him to the chiropractor again for a further adjustment, similar to the ones performed the previous day. Three days after Brendan's first spinal adjustment, Sally just couldn't believe how much her son had improved. He now slept like a baby, only cried when he was hungry or wet, and was once again the perfect baby that Sally knew he was. And Bob slept happily ever after.
What Is Colic?
Infantile colic is the term commonly used to describe an otherwise healthy infant who exhibits persistent, forceful crying for no apparent reason. The crying usually persists for several hours each day and is usually evident at least five days in each week. Parents' attempts to comfort the infant by holding and rocking the child, changing the diaper or by offering nourishment have little or no effect on the condition. The affected infant will have a tense, rumbling abdomen, with knees flexed, tight paraspinal musculature and will emit an excessive amount of gas. Occasionally the head and neck will be arched backwards.
Colic affects about 20 percent of all infants with symptoms most commonly occurring at one to four weeks of age and ending spontaneously at around three to four months. The cause of this condition has not been precisely determined, although many infants have been shown to respond well to chiropractic care.
Research studies into the effects of spinal adjustments for infants with colic have shown excellent results. The most significant study of this condition showed satisfactory improvement in over 90 percent of the infants who received chiropractic care.1
In this study, 316 infants with colic received spinal evaluations and were adjusted as necessary. Improvement was noted within a two week period in 94 percent of the infants treated, on average, after only three treatments.
Evaluation of the Infant's Spine
An infant's spinal evaluation involves examining the entire spine, from the upper cervical region down to the pelvis. The examination includes motion palpation of the spine, to detect areas of decreased movement of the spinal articulations (subluxations), as well as identification of areas of unilateral, asymmetrical muscle spasm.
In the previously referenced study, the findings of the 73 chiropractors involved showed the following:
All but six percent of the infants responded to the chiropractic treatments. Fifty-three percent of the infants responded to adjustment of the upper cervical vertebrae only. Forty-one percent required adjustment of the upper cervical area in addition to the mid-thoracic articulations (T4-T9), while the remaining six percent received adjustments in other regions of the spine (lower cervical, thoracolumbar, lumbosacral and sacroiliac articulations) or a combination of two or more of the above-mentioned areas.
Adjusting the Infant's Spine
The chiropractic treatment of a young infant's spine differs from that which would be necessary for an adult. The infant's spine is more flexible, primarily due to ligament laxity. The immature spine also contains abundant cartilage which will eventually ossify into mature bone. This cartilage is quite strong and flexible, however the adjustive process is modified to ensure that only the lightest thrust is used to correct the subluxated segments. Not only is the force of the adjustment greatly decreased, the contact is usually only lightly applied with the finger tips and the thrust, if used at all, is very modest. The sound of the spine being adjusted, usually heard as a "crack" or "pop" in the adult spine, is frequently absent when adjusting the spine of a young infant. Babies usually tolerate spinal evaluation and adjusting quite well, with no more discomfort than that caused by a physical examination.
The rapid improvement seen after adjusting the spine of an infant with colic suggests that the spine is intimately involved with the digestive process. Research in this field, called the somatogastric reflex, has been developing over the past 15 to 20 years, however, the exact mechanism of involvement of the spine with colic is yet to be determined.
Klougart N, Nilsson N, and Jacobsen J: Infantile colic treated by chiropractors: a prospective study of 316 cases. JMPT, August 1989, Vol 12;4.
Peter N. Fysh, DC
San Jose, California
Editor's Note:
Dr. Fysh is currently conducting pediatric seminars. He may be contacted at (408) 720-8042.
Click to view article on the web.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Chiropractic and Scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that characterized by lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine . As opposed to a normal spine that would look straight from the front to the back, scoliosis resembles an S curve. Not only does the spine curve it also rotates.
Scoliosis can affect people of all ages but is generally identified between the ages of 10-15. It occurs equally in both boys and girls but girls have a higher risk of developing further curvature, requiring more treatment.
Signs of scoliosis are uneven walk, uneven shoulder or hip height, or a protruding rib cage when a person bends down.
How can chiropractic help? A good understanding of how scoliosis may start is needed to understand fully how chiropractic can help. The inital problem isn't in the middle of you spine where the curve occurs, but in your upper neck (cervical spine). Your head sits directly over your hips. If your head gets misaligned (no longer over your hips) you body will bend and twist to get it back over your hips. In order to correct the bending and twisting you don't go to the curve, you need to get you head on straight! This is done with an adjustment in your atlas and axis (the first two vertebrae in your spine). Once your head is on straight your body is no longer be twisting and turning to stay centered over your hips, therefore the curve will start to correct itself. To find a doctor who specializes in atlas and axis adjustments Click here
For more information on chiropractic care and scoliosis
Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that characterized by lateral (side to side) curvature of the spine . As opposed to a normal spine that would look straight from the front to the back, scoliosis resembles an S curve. Not only does the spine curve it also rotates.
Scoliosis can affect people of all ages but is generally identified between the ages of 10-15. It occurs equally in both boys and girls but girls have a higher risk of developing further curvature, requiring more treatment.
Signs of scoliosis are uneven walk, uneven shoulder or hip height, or a protruding rib cage when a person bends down.
How can chiropractic help? A good understanding of how scoliosis may start is needed to understand fully how chiropractic can help. The inital problem isn't in the middle of you spine where the curve occurs, but in your upper neck (cervical spine). Your head sits directly over your hips. If your head gets misaligned (no longer over your hips) you body will bend and twist to get it back over your hips. In order to correct the bending and twisting you don't go to the curve, you need to get you head on straight! This is done with an adjustment in your atlas and axis (the first two vertebrae in your spine). Once your head is on straight your body is no longer be twisting and turning to stay centered over your hips, therefore the curve will start to correct itself. To find a doctor who specializes in atlas and axis adjustments Click here
For more information on chiropractic care and scoliosis
Monday, May 12, 2008
Chiropractic and Depression
Major Depression Patient Helped with Chiropractic - Case Study
A documented case study appearing in the April 23, 2008 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed the improvement of a patient with major depression with chiropractic care. In this case study a 46-year-old man suffering from his third bout of major depression, presented himself for chiropractic care.
In addition to the diagnosis of depression the man also had many symptoms related to his depression such as generalized bilateral neck and low back pain, anxiety, fatigue, and a small appetite. He was also suffering from the effects of the medications he was taking, which included a decrease in sex drive, dizziness, overall muscle weakness, and insomnia.
A standardized questionnaire known as the SF-36 was used to determine the patients initial status as well as his responses to chiropractic care. The SF-36 is a health survey questionnaire with 36 questions. It has been tested by the federal health authorities and is used to predict quality-of-life improvement after a particular healthcare treatment or intervention. The average American scores a 50 on the SF-36 test.
The case study notes that Mood disorders affect 18.8 million American adults (9.5% of the population) in any given year. The study points out that clinical depression is quite different than just feeling depressed. They note that most everyone occasionally has such experiences, in times such as grieving for the death of a loved one.
As noted in this case a 46-year-old occupational software support engineer presented for chiropractic care with the diagnosis of major depression and with the intention of improving his overall health. He was currently suffering his third bout of depression and was on medical leave due to this situation. The severity of his situation was highlighted by the addition of many symptoms related to his depression which included loss of appetite, malaise, fatigue, joint stiffness, neck pain, low back pain, as well as thoughts of suicide and anxiety. He was taking the medication Paxil which then added the symptoms of decreased libido, increased perspiration, weakness, and dizziness.
His self rating according to the SF-36 initially showed a score of 40 for physical component summary, and a score of 25 for mental component summary, compared to the average of 50. The patient's initial chiropractic evaluation consisted of x-rays and a number of tests and procedures that revealed multiple findings of vertebral subluxations.
Specific chiropractic adjustments were initiated to correct the subluxations. He received a total of 34 adjustments over an 11 month period. After just three visits, the patient reported a decrease of anxiety and fatigue and an increase in muscle strength. Over the course of his care his low back and neck discomfort had resolved. He no longer experienced dizziness. His depression improved considerably, according to his SF-36 scores and his Global Wellness Scale scores.
The author of the case study concluded, "This report details the life history and symptomology of a 46-year-old man suffering with major depression; the 11 months of chiropractic care; and the man’s physical, social and mental response to correction of vertebral subluxations. This report supports the previous literature written regarding correction of vertebral subluxation, and it’s positive effect on physical, mental and social well-being.
A documented case study appearing in the April 23, 2008 issue of the scientific periodical, the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, showed the improvement of a patient with major depression with chiropractic care. In this case study a 46-year-old man suffering from his third bout of major depression, presented himself for chiropractic care.
In addition to the diagnosis of depression the man also had many symptoms related to his depression such as generalized bilateral neck and low back pain, anxiety, fatigue, and a small appetite. He was also suffering from the effects of the medications he was taking, which included a decrease in sex drive, dizziness, overall muscle weakness, and insomnia.
A standardized questionnaire known as the SF-36 was used to determine the patients initial status as well as his responses to chiropractic care. The SF-36 is a health survey questionnaire with 36 questions. It has been tested by the federal health authorities and is used to predict quality-of-life improvement after a particular healthcare treatment or intervention. The average American scores a 50 on the SF-36 test.
The case study notes that Mood disorders affect 18.8 million American adults (9.5% of the population) in any given year. The study points out that clinical depression is quite different than just feeling depressed. They note that most everyone occasionally has such experiences, in times such as grieving for the death of a loved one.
As noted in this case a 46-year-old occupational software support engineer presented for chiropractic care with the diagnosis of major depression and with the intention of improving his overall health. He was currently suffering his third bout of depression and was on medical leave due to this situation. The severity of his situation was highlighted by the addition of many symptoms related to his depression which included loss of appetite, malaise, fatigue, joint stiffness, neck pain, low back pain, as well as thoughts of suicide and anxiety. He was taking the medication Paxil which then added the symptoms of decreased libido, increased perspiration, weakness, and dizziness.
His self rating according to the SF-36 initially showed a score of 40 for physical component summary, and a score of 25 for mental component summary, compared to the average of 50. The patient's initial chiropractic evaluation consisted of x-rays and a number of tests and procedures that revealed multiple findings of vertebral subluxations.
Specific chiropractic adjustments were initiated to correct the subluxations. He received a total of 34 adjustments over an 11 month period. After just three visits, the patient reported a decrease of anxiety and fatigue and an increase in muscle strength. Over the course of his care his low back and neck discomfort had resolved. He no longer experienced dizziness. His depression improved considerably, according to his SF-36 scores and his Global Wellness Scale scores.
The author of the case study concluded, "This report details the life history and symptomology of a 46-year-old man suffering with major depression; the 11 months of chiropractic care; and the man’s physical, social and mental response to correction of vertebral subluxations. This report supports the previous literature written regarding correction of vertebral subluxation, and it’s positive effect on physical, mental and social well-being.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Chiropractic Philosophy
Terry A. Rondberg, D.C.
Chiropractic doesn't HAVE a philosophy ... chiropractic IS a philosophy.
When chiropractors get together, they often discuss philosophy. Yet, you will seldom hear them mentioning Plato and Aristotle, or comparing notes on Nietzsche or Emerson. The philosophy they are most interested in is chiropractic philosophy, the fundamental beliefs and underlying precepts of the entire profession.
Many people find it odd that chiropractic has its own philosophy. After all, other professions don't have one. Have you ever heard of pediatric philosophy – accounting philosophy – or legal philosophy? Why, then, does chiropractic have a philosophy?
Actually, it is somewhat misleading to say that chiropractic has a philosophy. According to Dr. B.J. Palmer, the developer of chiropractic (whose father, D.D. Palmer, is credited with its actual "discovery" in 1895), chiropractic IS a philosophy – as well as a science and an art.
That is, chiropractic is not merely a method of adjusting a person's spine or correcting subluxations. It is a set of beliefs about the human body and the natural order of the universe.
These beliefs – this philosophy – is the WHY of chiropractic. The science and art of chiropractic (such as the specific adjusting techniques) were developed, and are used, in accordance with the philosophy.
Chiropractic is unique in this respect. Other professions are not based on a set of unchangeable principles. The legal profession, for example, deals with a system of laws and statutes that change rapidly. A few years ago, it was legal to cruise 75 MPH on most highways. Today, it's against the law.
Even a single action can be viewed differently depending on the circumstances surrounding it. Taking another person's life, for instance, can be murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, or justifiable homicide. There is no single, universal principle by which to judge the action. Lawyers, then, must deal with rules and laws that fluctuate with time, location, and society's preferences. The same is true of accounting. Try to convince a tax accountant that tax laws are consistent.
Even the field of medicine changes according to the latest research results. Not long ago, for example, M.D.s were routinely taking tonsils out as a preventive measure. Today, it is a rare procedure.
In chiropractic, the basic underlying precepts remain unchanged and unchangeable. Understanding of those beliefs may deepen, and the techniques may improve, but the elemental doctrines will be constant. The importance of philosophy to the chiropractic profession cannot be stressed enough, for it is the basis of everything a principled chiropractor does.
According to one of the profession's early philosophers, Ralph Stephenson, D.C., "It is the explanation of everything chiropractic – the difference between a good chiropractor and a poor one is, that the good one has an ample supply of abstract principles in his head and the poor one only a few – Poor chiropractors are apt to substitute machinery for knowledge."
Although there are many principles which comprise chiropractic philosophy, a few of the key ones include:
There exists a Universal Intelligence which brings organization to all matter, and maintains its existence;
All living things have inborn, or Innate Intelligence which adapts universal forces and matter for use in the body;
Every living thing has ALL the Innate Intelligence it requires to maintain its life and optimal health;
Health is the expression of the Innate Intelligence through Innate Matter, via Innate Energy;
When there is interference with the transmission of Innate Energy, the result is a decrease in the expression of Innate Intelligence, which chiropractors call dis-ease (not to be confused with disease!).
Because these terms and concepts are so important to chiropractors – and their patients – they will be explained in detail in the other "booklets" in this series. When you understand chiropractic philosophy, you will know that chiropractic works – and why!
Read more Here
Chiropractic doesn't HAVE a philosophy ... chiropractic IS a philosophy.
When chiropractors get together, they often discuss philosophy. Yet, you will seldom hear them mentioning Plato and Aristotle, or comparing notes on Nietzsche or Emerson. The philosophy they are most interested in is chiropractic philosophy, the fundamental beliefs and underlying precepts of the entire profession.
Many people find it odd that chiropractic has its own philosophy. After all, other professions don't have one. Have you ever heard of pediatric philosophy – accounting philosophy – or legal philosophy? Why, then, does chiropractic have a philosophy?
Actually, it is somewhat misleading to say that chiropractic has a philosophy. According to Dr. B.J. Palmer, the developer of chiropractic (whose father, D.D. Palmer, is credited with its actual "discovery" in 1895), chiropractic IS a philosophy – as well as a science and an art.
That is, chiropractic is not merely a method of adjusting a person's spine or correcting subluxations. It is a set of beliefs about the human body and the natural order of the universe.
These beliefs – this philosophy – is the WHY of chiropractic. The science and art of chiropractic (such as the specific adjusting techniques) were developed, and are used, in accordance with the philosophy.
Chiropractic is unique in this respect. Other professions are not based on a set of unchangeable principles. The legal profession, for example, deals with a system of laws and statutes that change rapidly. A few years ago, it was legal to cruise 75 MPH on most highways. Today, it's against the law.
Even a single action can be viewed differently depending on the circumstances surrounding it. Taking another person's life, for instance, can be murder, manslaughter, negligent homicide, or justifiable homicide. There is no single, universal principle by which to judge the action. Lawyers, then, must deal with rules and laws that fluctuate with time, location, and society's preferences. The same is true of accounting. Try to convince a tax accountant that tax laws are consistent.
Even the field of medicine changes according to the latest research results. Not long ago, for example, M.D.s were routinely taking tonsils out as a preventive measure. Today, it is a rare procedure.
In chiropractic, the basic underlying precepts remain unchanged and unchangeable. Understanding of those beliefs may deepen, and the techniques may improve, but the elemental doctrines will be constant. The importance of philosophy to the chiropractic profession cannot be stressed enough, for it is the basis of everything a principled chiropractor does.
According to one of the profession's early philosophers, Ralph Stephenson, D.C., "It is the explanation of everything chiropractic – the difference between a good chiropractor and a poor one is, that the good one has an ample supply of abstract principles in his head and the poor one only a few – Poor chiropractors are apt to substitute machinery for knowledge."
Although there are many principles which comprise chiropractic philosophy, a few of the key ones include:
There exists a Universal Intelligence which brings organization to all matter, and maintains its existence;
All living things have inborn, or Innate Intelligence which adapts universal forces and matter for use in the body;
Every living thing has ALL the Innate Intelligence it requires to maintain its life and optimal health;
Health is the expression of the Innate Intelligence through Innate Matter, via Innate Energy;
When there is interference with the transmission of Innate Energy, the result is a decrease in the expression of Innate Intelligence, which chiropractors call dis-ease (not to be confused with disease!).
Because these terms and concepts are so important to chiropractors – and their patients – they will be explained in detail in the other "booklets" in this series. When you understand chiropractic philosophy, you will know that chiropractic works – and why!
Read more Here
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Chiropractic care and ear Infections
Chiropractic Care and Ear Infections II
Holistic Approach to Ear infections
Here are three great articles on how Chiropractic care can help with ear infections. In conjuction with chiropractic care eliminating dairy can assure success in eliminating all recurrent ear infections.
Chiropractic Helps in Prevention of Recurring Ear Infections.
In the October 1998 issue of the Ladies Home Journal appeared an article entitled, "Chiropractic Adjustments for Chronic Ear Infections." This article reviewed several studies showing the effectiveness of chiropractic care for preventing re-occurring ear infections known as Otitis Media or OM.
According to the article, reoccurring ear infections account for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Sometimes these infections are due to bacteria and sometimes these are due to a virus. The most common medical care for this situation has been antibiotics, even though antibiotics have no effect on viruses. While the article mentions that the antibiotic may be effective in an acute bacterial infection, they do nothing to stop repeat infections. Research and statistics is now showing that repeated use of antibiotics is contributing to future infections by creating drug-resistant infections. The surgical approach has met with little long term results as the "tubes" placed in children’s ears often come out and usually require a child to be put under general anesthesia to do the surgery.
The article in the Ladies Home Journal states, "Chiropractic care is thought to prevent recurrent infections by correcting misalignments (called subluxations) and allowing normal fluid drainage from the middle ear." What the article took special note of was that 6 months after the chiropractic care was given to the children in the study, 80 percent had not suffered a recurrence of ear infections.
In closing the article did make a profound statement. They made a recommendation to parents on this subject. "If your child is between ear infections and his doctor suggests ear-tube surgery, ask if you can try chiropractic treatment first." While we agree with that sentiment, we suggest you not wait for a period between episodes, and you don’t have to "ask" permission from any other doctor to seek chiropractic care. As the sneaker company said, "just do it!"article on the Web
by Deb Donovan and Bob VanMetter
Use of antibiotic therapy for treatment of otitis media has become quite controversial. Research shows that antibiotic treatment of otitis media is no more effective than a placebo. It also can increase the risk of reoccurrence (Cantekin, 1994).
It has been shown that the type of antibiotic therapy used does not influence recovery from otitis media, or the length of time for which it was given. Those who received no antibiotics at all had improved rates of recovery (Froom et al., 1990).
It has been found that 93 percent of all episodes of otitis media treated improved with chiropractic care. Seventy-five percent of the cases improved in 10 days or less, and 43 percent with only one or two adjustment (Froehle, 1996). Article on Web
Ear problems can be excruciatingly painful, especially in children. With 10 million new cases every year, ear infections (otitis media) are the most common illness affecting babies and young children and the number one reason for visits to the pediatrician—accounting for more than 35 percent of all pediatric visits.
Almost half of all children will have at least one middle ear infection before they're a year old, and two-thirds of them will have had at least one such infection by age 3. The symptoms can include ear pain, fever, and irritability. Otitis media can be either bacterial or viral in origin, and frequently results from another illness such as a cold. For many children, it can become a chronic problem, requiring treatment year after year, and putting the child at risk of permanent hearing damage and associated speech and developmental problems.
Standard treatment for most cases of otitis media is with antibiotics, which can be effective if the culprit is bacterial (antibiotics, of course, do nothing to fight off viruses). But, according to many research studies, antibiotics are often not much more effective than the body's own immune system. And repeated doses of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that scoff at the drugs, while leaving the child screaming in pain.
Frequent ear infections are also the second most common reason for surgery in children under 2 (with circumcision being the first). In severe cases—for example, when fluids from an ear infection haven't cleared from the ear after several months, and hearing is affected—specialists sometimes prescribe myringotomy and tympanostomy, more commonly known as "ear tubes." During the surgical procedure, a small opening is made in the eardrum to place a tube inside. The tube relieves pressure in the ear and prevents repeated fluid buildup with the continuous venting of fresh air. In most cases, the membrane pushes the tube out after a couple of months and the hole in the eardrum closes. Although the treatment is effective, it has to be repeated in some 20 to 30 percent of cases. And this kind of surgery requires general anesthesia, never a minor thing in a small child. If the infection persists even after tube placement and removal, children sometimes undergo adenoidectomy (surgical removal of the adenoids)—an option that is effective mostly through the first year after surgery.
Before yet another round of "maybe-they'll-work-and-maybe-they-won't" antibiotics or the drastic step of surgery, more parents are considering chiropractic to help children with chronic ear infections. Dr. Joan Fallon, a chiropractor who practices in Yonkers, New York, has published research showing that, after receiving a series of chiropractic adjustments, nearly 80 percent of the children treated were free of ear infections for at least the six-month period following their initial visits (a period that also included maintenance treatments every four to six weeks).
"Chiropractic mobilizes drainage of the ear in children, and if they can continue to drain without a buildup of fluid and subsequent infection, they build up their own antibodies and recover more quickly," explains Dr. Fallon. She'd like to see her pilot study used as a basis for larger-scale trials of chiropractic as a therapeutic modality for otitis media.
Dr. Fallon uses primarily upper-cervical manipulation on children with otitis media, focusing particularly on the occiput, or back of the skull, and atlas, or the first vertebra in the neck. "Adjusting the occiput, in particular, will get the middle ear to drain. Depending on how chronic it's been and on where they are in their cycle of antibiotics, children generally need to get through one bout of fluid and fight it off themselves." That means, for the average child, between six and eight treatments. If a child's case is acute, Dr. Fallon will check the ear every day, using a tympanogram to measure the ear and track the movement of the eardrum to make sure that it's draining. "I'll do adjustments every day or every other day for a couple of days if they're acute, and then decrease frequency over time."
Dr. Fallon, whose research garnered her the acclaim of childrearing magazines like Parenting and Baby Talk, often sees great success when she treats a child for otitis media. "Once they fight it themselves, my kids tend to do very well and stay away from ear infections completely. Unless there are environmental factors like smoking in the house, an abnormally shaped Eustachian tube, or something like that, they do very well," she says.
"I have two large pediatric groups that refer to me on a regular basis. In the winter, when otitis is most prevalent, I see five or six new children each week from each group," says Dr. Fallon. "It's safe and effective and something that parents should try, certainly before inserting tubes in their children's ears."
Chiropractic Care Can Help...
Talk to your doctor of chiropractic about your child's ear infections. Doctors of chiropractic are licensed and trained to diagnose and treat patients of all ages and will use a gentler type of treatment for children. Article on the Web
Chiropractic Care and Ear Infections II
Holistic Approach to Ear infections
Here are three great articles on how Chiropractic care can help with ear infections. In conjuction with chiropractic care eliminating dairy can assure success in eliminating all recurrent ear infections.
Chiropractic Helps in Prevention of Recurring Ear Infections.
In the October 1998 issue of the Ladies Home Journal appeared an article entitled, "Chiropractic Adjustments for Chronic Ear Infections." This article reviewed several studies showing the effectiveness of chiropractic care for preventing re-occurring ear infections known as Otitis Media or OM.
According to the article, reoccurring ear infections account for over 35% of all pediatrician visits in the United States. Sometimes these infections are due to bacteria and sometimes these are due to a virus. The most common medical care for this situation has been antibiotics, even though antibiotics have no effect on viruses. While the article mentions that the antibiotic may be effective in an acute bacterial infection, they do nothing to stop repeat infections. Research and statistics is now showing that repeated use of antibiotics is contributing to future infections by creating drug-resistant infections. The surgical approach has met with little long term results as the "tubes" placed in children’s ears often come out and usually require a child to be put under general anesthesia to do the surgery.
The article in the Ladies Home Journal states, "Chiropractic care is thought to prevent recurrent infections by correcting misalignments (called subluxations) and allowing normal fluid drainage from the middle ear." What the article took special note of was that 6 months after the chiropractic care was given to the children in the study, 80 percent had not suffered a recurrence of ear infections.
In closing the article did make a profound statement. They made a recommendation to parents on this subject. "If your child is between ear infections and his doctor suggests ear-tube surgery, ask if you can try chiropractic treatment first." While we agree with that sentiment, we suggest you not wait for a period between episodes, and you don’t have to "ask" permission from any other doctor to seek chiropractic care. As the sneaker company said, "just do it!"article on the Web
by Deb Donovan and Bob VanMetter
Use of antibiotic therapy for treatment of otitis media has become quite controversial. Research shows that antibiotic treatment of otitis media is no more effective than a placebo. It also can increase the risk of reoccurrence (Cantekin, 1994).
It has been shown that the type of antibiotic therapy used does not influence recovery from otitis media, or the length of time for which it was given. Those who received no antibiotics at all had improved rates of recovery (Froom et al., 1990).
It has been found that 93 percent of all episodes of otitis media treated improved with chiropractic care. Seventy-five percent of the cases improved in 10 days or less, and 43 percent with only one or two adjustment (Froehle, 1996). Article on Web
Ear problems can be excruciatingly painful, especially in children. With 10 million new cases every year, ear infections (otitis media) are the most common illness affecting babies and young children and the number one reason for visits to the pediatrician—accounting for more than 35 percent of all pediatric visits.
Almost half of all children will have at least one middle ear infection before they're a year old, and two-thirds of them will have had at least one such infection by age 3. The symptoms can include ear pain, fever, and irritability. Otitis media can be either bacterial or viral in origin, and frequently results from another illness such as a cold. For many children, it can become a chronic problem, requiring treatment year after year, and putting the child at risk of permanent hearing damage and associated speech and developmental problems.
Standard treatment for most cases of otitis media is with antibiotics, which can be effective if the culprit is bacterial (antibiotics, of course, do nothing to fight off viruses). But, according to many research studies, antibiotics are often not much more effective than the body's own immune system. And repeated doses of antibiotics can lead to drug-resistant bacteria that scoff at the drugs, while leaving the child screaming in pain.
Frequent ear infections are also the second most common reason for surgery in children under 2 (with circumcision being the first). In severe cases—for example, when fluids from an ear infection haven't cleared from the ear after several months, and hearing is affected—specialists sometimes prescribe myringotomy and tympanostomy, more commonly known as "ear tubes." During the surgical procedure, a small opening is made in the eardrum to place a tube inside. The tube relieves pressure in the ear and prevents repeated fluid buildup with the continuous venting of fresh air. In most cases, the membrane pushes the tube out after a couple of months and the hole in the eardrum closes. Although the treatment is effective, it has to be repeated in some 20 to 30 percent of cases. And this kind of surgery requires general anesthesia, never a minor thing in a small child. If the infection persists even after tube placement and removal, children sometimes undergo adenoidectomy (surgical removal of the adenoids)—an option that is effective mostly through the first year after surgery.
Before yet another round of "maybe-they'll-work-and-maybe-they-won't" antibiotics or the drastic step of surgery, more parents are considering chiropractic to help children with chronic ear infections. Dr. Joan Fallon, a chiropractor who practices in Yonkers, New York, has published research showing that, after receiving a series of chiropractic adjustments, nearly 80 percent of the children treated were free of ear infections for at least the six-month period following their initial visits (a period that also included maintenance treatments every four to six weeks).
"Chiropractic mobilizes drainage of the ear in children, and if they can continue to drain without a buildup of fluid and subsequent infection, they build up their own antibodies and recover more quickly," explains Dr. Fallon. She'd like to see her pilot study used as a basis for larger-scale trials of chiropractic as a therapeutic modality for otitis media.
Dr. Fallon uses primarily upper-cervical manipulation on children with otitis media, focusing particularly on the occiput, or back of the skull, and atlas, or the first vertebra in the neck. "Adjusting the occiput, in particular, will get the middle ear to drain. Depending on how chronic it's been and on where they are in their cycle of antibiotics, children generally need to get through one bout of fluid and fight it off themselves." That means, for the average child, between six and eight treatments. If a child's case is acute, Dr. Fallon will check the ear every day, using a tympanogram to measure the ear and track the movement of the eardrum to make sure that it's draining. "I'll do adjustments every day or every other day for a couple of days if they're acute, and then decrease frequency over time."
Dr. Fallon, whose research garnered her the acclaim of childrearing magazines like Parenting and Baby Talk, often sees great success when she treats a child for otitis media. "Once they fight it themselves, my kids tend to do very well and stay away from ear infections completely. Unless there are environmental factors like smoking in the house, an abnormally shaped Eustachian tube, or something like that, they do very well," she says.
"I have two large pediatric groups that refer to me on a regular basis. In the winter, when otitis is most prevalent, I see five or six new children each week from each group," says Dr. Fallon. "It's safe and effective and something that parents should try, certainly before inserting tubes in their children's ears."
Chiropractic Care Can Help...
Talk to your doctor of chiropractic about your child's ear infections. Doctors of chiropractic are licensed and trained to diagnose and treat patients of all ages and will use a gentler type of treatment for children. Article on the Web
Saturday, April 19, 2008
10 Myths about Chiropractic
The Top 10 Myths About Chiropractic
10. Chiropractors are not real doctors.
The public has come to think of a doctor as someone who prescribes pills or removes organs. Sadly, many people also think this is the best, or only, method of viable health care. Being as this aggressive approach is the third leading cause of death (1) , the public needs to understand that there is more to health care then drugs and surgery - much more.
In order to practice as a chiropractor in Canada you must graduate from a recognised school of chiropractic as a doctor of chiropractic. Then you must pass both national and provincial board exams to qualify for a license. In Ontario a chiropractor is one of 5 health professionals legally entitled to use the title doctor. A chiropractor has an equally extensive education in basic human health sciences as any other doctor. How a chiropractor differs is the philosophy behind how those basic health sciences are applied to help an individual to maximise their health.
***This is the same in the U.S. a Chiropractor must graduate from a recognized school of chiropractic as a D.C. (doctor of chiropractic) and pass national, and state board exams to qualify for a license***
So, is a chiropractor a real doctor? Absolutely! A real doctor with a unique purpose. What your doctor of chiropractic can offer, no other doctor can.
1. Public Citizen, '94; JAMA, '98; JAMA '01
9 It only helps adults, not children.
Chiropractic can make a major impact on ANYONE's health, from newborns to geriatrics. Reducing nerve interference allows the body's inborn ability to look after its own needs to thrive, regardless of age.
Link to How it Works
Link to Children and chiropractic.
8 Chiropractic is only effective for back pain.
Some chiropractors focus only on caring for people who have back pain. The vertebral subluxation complex often contributes to this condition and the available research indicates that chiropractic is the most effective approach in helping people with this condition. The benefits of chiropractic are much greater than helping with back pain.The wide- ranging detrimental effects of the vertebral subluxation manifest in a wide variety of health challenges and conditions besides back pain. Most chiropractors focus their practice on improving an individuals overall health by correcting all subluxations in the body and not just the ones associated with back pain or any other symptom. The reality is, most subluxations will not have associated symptoms for years. Correcting these subluxations is still very important because they are a detriment to your health whenever they are present.
7 Chiropractic Care is too expensive.
Quality of life is key to understanding this myth. Those who have experienced long-term care and the chiropractic lifestyle recognise that chiropractic care doesn't cost, IT PAYS!!! A study done in 1996 (Coulter et al, TopClinChiro) showed 87% of long-time chiropractic patients considered their health as excellent, took less medications, and experienced less chronic conditions associated with ageing. Think of chiropractic as an RRSP for your may cost a bit now, but the payoff is immeasurable.
In fact, even in a publicly funded health care system where some other approaches are 100% covered by our tax dollars, millions of people value chiropractic enough to be more than willing to pay for their care with their own hard-earned money. We appreciate that fact, and it encourages us to work as hard as possible to deliver the best care possible to our patients.
6 Spinal adjustments are uncomfortable.
Most times a spinal adjustment itself will not hurt at all. If fact a great sense of relief will be experienced. On some occasions it may feel like someone is momentarily pressing on a bruise. As your body adapts to your adjustments, you may experience some additional discomfort, similar to the sensation of tender muscles after starting an exercise program. Over time, as your nervous system integrates the effects of the adjustments, most people feel a continuing sense of ease. This is one reason many people make chiropractic the cornerstone of their wellness lifestyle.
5 An adjustment will cause a stroke.
The truth is, there is no scientific evidence that there is an increased risk of ANY serious event following a chiropractic adjustment. There are some who suggest that the chance of having a stroke from a chiropractic adjustment is about 1 in 1,000,000. While this number has never been scientifically verified, only estimated, if it is even remotely accurate, it indicates that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning, being killed on a bicycle, or dying from taking aspirin, than you have of being seriously injured by chiropractic.
4 Once you start to go, you always have to go.
The inference of that statement is that chiropractic care is addictive. If continuing to do something that gives you an increased level of health and vitality is addictive, then perhaps it is. The amount of chiropractic care you utilise is always up to you. Most patients who see the huge changes in their energy, immune function, sleep patterns and general well-being choose to maintain chiropractic care as part of their wellness lifestyle. It soon becomes an integral approach to enjoying a higher quality of life.
3 Modern chiropractic is just a health trend.
If chiropractic is a health trend, it is the country's longest trend since it has been around over 100 years. Chiropractic is the largest drug-free form of health care and the third largest form of ANY health care in North America.
2 No scientific proof that it works.
Over the years, there have been hundreds of studies proving its validity in improving the health of millions of people all over the world. Studies in the past five years have shown the positive benefits on increasing immune function, general wellbeing in the elderly and increased brain function. The science is there, all one has to do is take a look.
1 It can't help me with my health problems, because...
Many people complete this statement with with "I'm too old", "of my genetics", "I've been told I have to live with it", "the specialist said nothing can be done". Only a chiropractor can tell you how chiropractic can help you improve your health. Remember that the nervous system controls every cell, tissue and organ in the human body, and vertebral subluxation interferes with normal nerve function. An alteration in nerve function leads to an alteration in tissue function. As such, the key to optimum health is maintaining normal nerve function. No other profession is qualified to make decisions on chiropractic care. You wouldn't ask your plumber how to fix your car. If you want to understand chiropractic, talk with a doctor of chiropractic. Contact a CAC chiropractor near you to see how chiropractic can help you live life to the fullest!
Chiropractic Awareness Council (Great Site!)
10. Chiropractors are not real doctors.
The public has come to think of a doctor as someone who prescribes pills or removes organs. Sadly, many people also think this is the best, or only, method of viable health care. Being as this aggressive approach is the third leading cause of death (1) , the public needs to understand that there is more to health care then drugs and surgery - much more.
In order to practice as a chiropractor in Canada you must graduate from a recognised school of chiropractic as a doctor of chiropractic. Then you must pass both national and provincial board exams to qualify for a license. In Ontario a chiropractor is one of 5 health professionals legally entitled to use the title doctor. A chiropractor has an equally extensive education in basic human health sciences as any other doctor. How a chiropractor differs is the philosophy behind how those basic health sciences are applied to help an individual to maximise their health.
***This is the same in the U.S. a Chiropractor must graduate from a recognized school of chiropractic as a D.C. (doctor of chiropractic) and pass national, and state board exams to qualify for a license***
So, is a chiropractor a real doctor? Absolutely! A real doctor with a unique purpose. What your doctor of chiropractic can offer, no other doctor can.
1. Public Citizen, '94; JAMA, '98; JAMA '01
9 It only helps adults, not children.
Chiropractic can make a major impact on ANYONE's health, from newborns to geriatrics. Reducing nerve interference allows the body's inborn ability to look after its own needs to thrive, regardless of age.
Link to How it Works
Link to Children and chiropractic.
8 Chiropractic is only effective for back pain.
Some chiropractors focus only on caring for people who have back pain. The vertebral subluxation complex often contributes to this condition and the available research indicates that chiropractic is the most effective approach in helping people with this condition. The benefits of chiropractic are much greater than helping with back pain.The wide- ranging detrimental effects of the vertebral subluxation manifest in a wide variety of health challenges and conditions besides back pain. Most chiropractors focus their practice on improving an individuals overall health by correcting all subluxations in the body and not just the ones associated with back pain or any other symptom. The reality is, most subluxations will not have associated symptoms for years. Correcting these subluxations is still very important because they are a detriment to your health whenever they are present.
7 Chiropractic Care is too expensive.
Quality of life is key to understanding this myth. Those who have experienced long-term care and the chiropractic lifestyle recognise that chiropractic care doesn't cost, IT PAYS!!! A study done in 1996 (Coulter et al, TopClinChiro) showed 87% of long-time chiropractic patients considered their health as excellent, took less medications, and experienced less chronic conditions associated with ageing. Think of chiropractic as an RRSP for your may cost a bit now, but the payoff is immeasurable.
In fact, even in a publicly funded health care system where some other approaches are 100% covered by our tax dollars, millions of people value chiropractic enough to be more than willing to pay for their care with their own hard-earned money. We appreciate that fact, and it encourages us to work as hard as possible to deliver the best care possible to our patients.
6 Spinal adjustments are uncomfortable.
Most times a spinal adjustment itself will not hurt at all. If fact a great sense of relief will be experienced. On some occasions it may feel like someone is momentarily pressing on a bruise. As your body adapts to your adjustments, you may experience some additional discomfort, similar to the sensation of tender muscles after starting an exercise program. Over time, as your nervous system integrates the effects of the adjustments, most people feel a continuing sense of ease. This is one reason many people make chiropractic the cornerstone of their wellness lifestyle.
5 An adjustment will cause a stroke.
The truth is, there is no scientific evidence that there is an increased risk of ANY serious event following a chiropractic adjustment. There are some who suggest that the chance of having a stroke from a chiropractic adjustment is about 1 in 1,000,000. While this number has never been scientifically verified, only estimated, if it is even remotely accurate, it indicates that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning, being killed on a bicycle, or dying from taking aspirin, than you have of being seriously injured by chiropractic.
4 Once you start to go, you always have to go.
The inference of that statement is that chiropractic care is addictive. If continuing to do something that gives you an increased level of health and vitality is addictive, then perhaps it is. The amount of chiropractic care you utilise is always up to you. Most patients who see the huge changes in their energy, immune function, sleep patterns and general well-being choose to maintain chiropractic care as part of their wellness lifestyle. It soon becomes an integral approach to enjoying a higher quality of life.
3 Modern chiropractic is just a health trend.
If chiropractic is a health trend, it is the country's longest trend since it has been around over 100 years. Chiropractic is the largest drug-free form of health care and the third largest form of ANY health care in North America.
2 No scientific proof that it works.
Over the years, there have been hundreds of studies proving its validity in improving the health of millions of people all over the world. Studies in the past five years have shown the positive benefits on increasing immune function, general wellbeing in the elderly and increased brain function. The science is there, all one has to do is take a look.
1 It can't help me with my health problems, because...
Many people complete this statement with with "I'm too old", "of my genetics", "I've been told I have to live with it", "the specialist said nothing can be done". Only a chiropractor can tell you how chiropractic can help you improve your health. Remember that the nervous system controls every cell, tissue and organ in the human body, and vertebral subluxation interferes with normal nerve function. An alteration in nerve function leads to an alteration in tissue function. As such, the key to optimum health is maintaining normal nerve function. No other profession is qualified to make decisions on chiropractic care. You wouldn't ask your plumber how to fix your car. If you want to understand chiropractic, talk with a doctor of chiropractic. Contact a CAC chiropractor near you to see how chiropractic can help you live life to the fullest!
Chiropractic Awareness Council (Great Site!)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Is chiropractic Safe/Necessary for children?
Danny has told me more than once he wants to only adjust kids. Why? Adjusting a child ensure the opportunity to function at optimal health from the beginning. I love being able to tell people that Nathan received his first adjustment at 6 HOURS old, I am sure our chiropractor isn't the only one willing to make a "house call".
The power of chiropractic is the most effective healing tool I've seen in children. Essentially the only thing the chiropractor is doing is "turning the power on." The body does the rest. The power that made the body, heals the body.
Kid Chiropractic
The normal birthing process places a tremendous amount of stress on the neck. If the baby's head presents in any other than a posterior occiput position (the baby's face is down), this can cause added stress. Any intervention such as vacuum or forceps causes additional trauma to the head and neck. Cesarean section is also considered a traumatic birth when considering the effects on the spine. Many obstetricians traction the head during a normal birth, using between 40 and 70 pounds of pressure, in order to birth the shoulder. This often causes damage to the cervical spine (neck) and the nerves that exit off the spine.
Even if you child came through the birth process without subluxations, they can be acquired afterwards. Babies neck muscles are weak and are unable to support the head. Infant car seats may be designed to protect a baby in the event of a crash, but they lack support of the neck. Whenever you stop and accelerate the car their heads go forward and back and side to side, which can cause vertebrae to subluxate.
Throughout the first year, a baby's spine will grow 50%. Whenever there is rapid growth, that is the time when things can go wrong. Regular chiropractic checkups ensure that your child's spine is growing properly. During the first year, they also develop the secondary curves of the spine in the neck and low back. If these curves fail to develop, there is a greater chance that they will develop scoliosis, or curvature of the spine.
Towards the end of the first year they will be learning how to walk and will fall an extraordinary amount of times. If you fell that often, do you think that your spine would feel the effects of the trauma?
As kids get older, they get even more active with more potential for physical trauma. And, if they play sports, that potential increases. And what about the child who sits at the computer or hunches over his hand-held game! Making sure that their spines are subluxation free means that your children can endure more physical stress with a lesser risk of injury.
Physical trauma is the most obvious reason kids need their spines checked out regularly, but emotional and toxic stress can also cause subluxations in kids. Many times children have accidents and parents may believe that they are fine because there is no external evidence of damage. Spinal subluxations sometimes don¹t signal an obvious symptom. The earlier children¹s spines are
checked, the earlier problems can be detected, preventing health problems from occurring and becoming serious. We recommend all children be checked regularly for nerve interference, even without symptoms present. Prevention is the best medicine.
Emotional stress, another cause of vertebral subluxation, is becoming a bigger issue for kids today as they try to cope with common scenarios like divorce, violence, and peer pressure. Our world is also becoming more toxic with an increase in pollution, packaged foods, and the number of recommended vaccines. Toxic overload can stress the body and cause subluxations. Chiropractic can help children adapt to these stresses so that they can function at a higher level.
If you know a child who is not under chiropractic care and suffers from any of the following problems, please urge the child¹s parent to consider Chiropractic.
Poor Posture
Stomach ache
Hearing loss
Ear infection
Neck/back pain
Leg/hip/foot pain
Bed Wetting
Skin problems
One leg shorter
Learning disorder
Sinus problems
Eye problems
Poor concentration
Hyper-activity/Attention deficit disorder
Just as it is recommended that children get regular dental checkups, it is important for kids to have their spines checked from birth onward. The only professional qualified to do this is a chiropractor. More and more, educated parents are choosing to take their children to chiropractors regularly, because they see that their children are healthier and happier!
Yes! Specific chiropractic adjustments are very safe since care is individually based only after a complete health history and chiropractic examination has been performed. Then, depending on the state of health and age of the patient, an appropriate technique will be utilized.
In the pediatric population a peer reviewed study of the literature (Pistolese R. JVSR 2(2) 1998) was performed from 1977 to 1998 and found the risk to neurological or vascular complications from chiropractic care to be 1/250,000,000. It is important to compare this with something like the risk of serious adverse injury from taking an aspirin at 4/1,000.
A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are "remarkably safe." By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic enjoys an excellent track record. In the adult population, unfortunately anyone who manipulates and injures a patient gets lumped in as a "chiropractic" statistic versus keeping professions as separate populations. This poses a problem for the chiropractors who perform specific chiropractic adjustments. Presently the cumulative risk from the professions who manipulate and adjust is approximated at between 1/3,000,000 to 1/500,000.
Also consider that chiropractic malpractice insurance rates are a fraction of those for medical doctors. These rates are based on the risk of injury or death to patients caused by practice procedures.
(Danny mentioned that the claims are usually from the child tripping over a table or some other "non-hazard" in the office, not necessarily from the adjustment.)
Find A Pediatric Chiropractor Near You.
The power of chiropractic is the most effective healing tool I've seen in children. Essentially the only thing the chiropractor is doing is "turning the power on." The body does the rest. The power that made the body, heals the body.
Kid Chiropractic
The normal birthing process places a tremendous amount of stress on the neck. If the baby's head presents in any other than a posterior occiput position (the baby's face is down), this can cause added stress. Any intervention such as vacuum or forceps causes additional trauma to the head and neck. Cesarean section is also considered a traumatic birth when considering the effects on the spine. Many obstetricians traction the head during a normal birth, using between 40 and 70 pounds of pressure, in order to birth the shoulder. This often causes damage to the cervical spine (neck) and the nerves that exit off the spine.
Even if you child came through the birth process without subluxations, they can be acquired afterwards. Babies neck muscles are weak and are unable to support the head. Infant car seats may be designed to protect a baby in the event of a crash, but they lack support of the neck. Whenever you stop and accelerate the car their heads go forward and back and side to side, which can cause vertebrae to subluxate.
Throughout the first year, a baby's spine will grow 50%. Whenever there is rapid growth, that is the time when things can go wrong. Regular chiropractic checkups ensure that your child's spine is growing properly. During the first year, they also develop the secondary curves of the spine in the neck and low back. If these curves fail to develop, there is a greater chance that they will develop scoliosis, or curvature of the spine.
Towards the end of the first year they will be learning how to walk and will fall an extraordinary amount of times. If you fell that often, do you think that your spine would feel the effects of the trauma?
As kids get older, they get even more active with more potential for physical trauma. And, if they play sports, that potential increases. And what about the child who sits at the computer or hunches over his hand-held game! Making sure that their spines are subluxation free means that your children can endure more physical stress with a lesser risk of injury.
Physical trauma is the most obvious reason kids need their spines checked out regularly, but emotional and toxic stress can also cause subluxations in kids. Many times children have accidents and parents may believe that they are fine because there is no external evidence of damage. Spinal subluxations sometimes don¹t signal an obvious symptom. The earlier children¹s spines are
checked, the earlier problems can be detected, preventing health problems from occurring and becoming serious. We recommend all children be checked regularly for nerve interference, even without symptoms present. Prevention is the best medicine.
Emotional stress, another cause of vertebral subluxation, is becoming a bigger issue for kids today as they try to cope with common scenarios like divorce, violence, and peer pressure. Our world is also becoming more toxic with an increase in pollution, packaged foods, and the number of recommended vaccines. Toxic overload can stress the body and cause subluxations. Chiropractic can help children adapt to these stresses so that they can function at a higher level.
If you know a child who is not under chiropractic care and suffers from any of the following problems, please urge the child¹s parent to consider Chiropractic.
Poor Posture
Stomach ache
Hearing loss
Ear infection
Neck/back pain
Leg/hip/foot pain
Bed Wetting
Skin problems
One leg shorter
Learning disorder
Sinus problems
Eye problems
Poor concentration
Hyper-activity/Attention deficit disorder
Just as it is recommended that children get regular dental checkups, it is important for kids to have their spines checked from birth onward. The only professional qualified to do this is a chiropractor. More and more, educated parents are choosing to take their children to chiropractors regularly, because they see that their children are healthier and happier!
Yes! Specific chiropractic adjustments are very safe since care is individually based only after a complete health history and chiropractic examination has been performed. Then, depending on the state of health and age of the patient, an appropriate technique will be utilized.
In the pediatric population a peer reviewed study of the literature (Pistolese R. JVSR 2(2) 1998) was performed from 1977 to 1998 and found the risk to neurological or vascular complications from chiropractic care to be 1/250,000,000. It is important to compare this with something like the risk of serious adverse injury from taking an aspirin at 4/1,000.
A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are "remarkably safe." By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic enjoys an excellent track record. In the adult population, unfortunately anyone who manipulates and injures a patient gets lumped in as a "chiropractic" statistic versus keeping professions as separate populations. This poses a problem for the chiropractors who perform specific chiropractic adjustments. Presently the cumulative risk from the professions who manipulate and adjust is approximated at between 1/3,000,000 to 1/500,000.
Also consider that chiropractic malpractice insurance rates are a fraction of those for medical doctors. These rates are based on the risk of injury or death to patients caused by practice procedures.
(Danny mentioned that the claims are usually from the child tripping over a table or some other "non-hazard" in the office, not necessarily from the adjustment.)
Find A Pediatric Chiropractor Near You.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Chiropractic helps ADHD
Click Here for Video
The word is out, and on the news now too! Check out this video supporting an adjustment to resolve ADHD!
Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
Studies in Peer Reviewed Journals
Chiropractic for Children in the News
The following television interview on Health Watch shows the benefits of chiropractic care in children with ADHD symptoms. Dr. Marty Rosen, ICPA Certification instructor for SOT. View the news clip here:
Manual Therapy in Children: Proposals for an Etiologic Model
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2005 (Mar); 28 (3): e1–e15 ~ FULL TEXT
Heiner Biedermann, M.D.
The effects of uppercervical adjustments on the child with learnign disorders is explored and shown clinically.
Article Excerpt: KISS-Induced Dyspraxy and Dysgnosy
Developmental Delay Syndromes and Chiropractic: A Case Report
Blum CL, Cuthbert S, Williams S, Developmental Delay Syndromes and Chiropractic: A Case Report. International Conference on Chiropractic Research. Vilamoura, Portugal - May 17-19, 2007: CM53.
Chiropractic treatment for developmental delay syndromes (DDS), while controversial to some, has growing support in the research literature. Yet at this time there is no conclusive information on the causation of DDS. This ultimately leads to some lack of clarity about treatment options, particularly for children sensitive to medication or who do not choose medication as an option.
Patients are actively seeking alternative care, and particularly care that offers low risk and measurable benefits should be brought to their attention. Since for many patients and their families the option of no treatment for DDS is not an "option," we need to explore which patients might best respond to conservative therapies such as chiropractic.
The current evidence supports the premise that some DDS may be secondary to trauma and related to the sensory-motor impairment syndrome known as dyspraxia. While the studies are inconclusive, there is an emerging evidence base that does show chiropractic care may be successfully employed in the treatment of patients with DDS such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, learning disabilities, and ADHD.
ADHD Helped With Chiropractic, A Case Study
In the October 2004 issue of the peer-reviewed research publication, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), comes a case study of a child with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), who was helped with chiropractic.
The case was of a 5 year old boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD at age 2. The child’s pediatrician prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, and Haldol for the next 3 years. The combination of drugs was unsuccessful in helping the child.
At age 5 the child was brought to a chiropractor to see if chiropractic care would help. The history taken at that time noted that during the child’s birth, there were complications during his delivery process. The results of this trauma and complications resulted in a 4-day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. The child’s mother reported no other incidence of trauma.
The chiropractic examination and x-rays showed noticeable spinal distortion including a reversal of the normal neck curve indicative of subluxations. Chiropractic care was begun and the child ’s progress was monitored.
According to his mother, positive changes in her son`s general behavior were noticed around the twelfth visit. By the 27th visit the patient had experienced considerable improvement.
The child was brought by the mother to the medical doctor for a follow up visit and questioned the usage of the Ritalin. The medical doctor reviewed and examined the child and based on that assessment and his clinical experience, the MD felt that the young boy was no longer exhibiting symptoms associated with ADHD. He then took the boy off the medications that he had been taking for 3 years.
The conclusion of the author of the JMPT case study noted, “The patient experienced significant reduction in symptoms. Additionally, the medical doctor concluded that the reduction in symptoms was significant enough to discontinue the medication.”
An evaluation of chiropractic manipulation as a treatment of hyperactivity in children. Giesen JM, Center DB, Leach RA J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Oct);12 (5):353-363
The principle aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic manipulative therapy in the treatment of children with hyperactivity. Using blinds between investigators and a single subject research design, the investigators evaluated the effectiveness of the treatment for reducing activity levels of hyperactive children.
Data collection included independent evaluations of behavior using a unique wrist-watch type device to mechanically measure activity while the children completed tasks simulating school-work. Further evaluations included electrodermal tests to measure autonomic nervous system activity. Chiropractic clinical evaluations to measure improvement in spinal biomechanics were also completed. Placebo care was given prior to chiropractic intervention.
Data were analyzed visually and using nonparametric statistical methods. Five of seven children showed improvement in mean behavioral scores from placebo care to treatment. Four of seven showed improvement in arousal levels, and the improvement in the group as a whole was highly significant (p = 0.009). Agreement between tests was also high in this study.
For all seven children, three of the four principal tests used to detect improvement were in agreement either positively or negatively (parent ratings of activity, motion recorder scores, electrodermal measures, and X-rays of spinal distortions). While the behavioral improvement taken alone can only be considered suggestive, the strong interest agreement can be taken as more impressive evidence that the majority of the children in this study did, in fact, improve under specific chiropractic care.
The results of this study, then, are not conclusive, however, they do suggest that chiropractic manipulation has the potential to become an important nondrug intervention for children with hyperactivity. Further investigation in this area is certainly warranted.
Behavioral and Learning Changes Secondary to Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxations in a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Case Study
Lovett L, Blum CL Behavioral and Learning Changes Secondary to Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxations in a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Case Study Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Oct 2006:1-6.
Objective: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is extremely subjective in both diagnosis and treatment. No single cause has yet been determined for this disorder nor has there been a single treatment plan that is effective in a majority of cases. This paper proposes a possible etiology for some cases of ADHD with respect to concentration and hyperactivity along with a possible positive association with chiropractic adjustments.
Conclusion: There are many causes to ADHD as well as other learning and behavioral disorders; therefore conclusions cannot be conclusively drawn by a single case study. A possible conclusion that can be drawn in this case is that adjusting spinal lesions (e.g., subluxations) appeared to reduce the child’s pain and discomfort, which allowed him the ability to concentrate, learn and “sit still.” Further studies with controls need to be conducted in this area to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic care in aiding the symptoms of children who are classified as ADHD.
The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems Upledger JE J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1978 Jun;77(10):760-776
This study examined grade school children and came up with a positive relationship between cranial motion restrictions and learning disabled children, as well as children with a history of an obstetrically complicated delivery.
Additional Chiropractic Case Studies:
1) Larry Webster, D.C. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. January 1996.
"After examining several diagnosed ADHD children, we find an upper cervical subluxation that can lead to neurotransmitter involvement."
A Mother's Testimonial. ICPA Newsletter. July/August 1998 (Dr. Angiolillo is in private practice in North Brunswick, NJ).
"When Kevin was 3 he was diagnosed as having ADHD. After trying diet changes, allergy testing and behavior modification techniques, we reluctantly agreed to put Kevin on Ritalin. The medication did its job as far as slowing him down a bit, but he suffered many side effects. In 2 years he grew only 2 inches and did not gain any weight at all. He cried easily, had trouble sleeping, no appetite, and would "zone out" quite often.
Finally at age 6 we made the decision to stop giving him Ritalin. He grew 6 inches in less than 1 year and gained nearly 15 pounds. His sleeping and eating patterns were still erratic, and the schoolwork was horrible…his writing was illegible and math made no sense to him.
We brought him to Dr. D'Angiolillo for chiropractic care, twice a week for 6 weeks. This past week when I went to his parent-teacher conference, the first thing the teacher asked me was had we put Kevin back on Ritalin. I said no, and she showed me samples of Kevin's work and showed me the sudden improvement…for the first time his writing is in the lines, it is easy to read and much more age appropriate.
Although he still tends to move around more than the average child does, he is able to concentrate, answer questions correctly and is reading better than most of his class!"
The word is out, and on the news now too! Check out this video supporting an adjustment to resolve ADHD!
Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity
Studies in Peer Reviewed Journals
Chiropractic for Children in the News
The following television interview on Health Watch shows the benefits of chiropractic care in children with ADHD symptoms. Dr. Marty Rosen, ICPA Certification instructor for SOT. View the news clip here:
Manual Therapy in Children: Proposals for an Etiologic Model
J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2005 (Mar); 28 (3): e1–e15 ~ FULL TEXT
Heiner Biedermann, M.D.
The effects of uppercervical adjustments on the child with learnign disorders is explored and shown clinically.
Article Excerpt: KISS-Induced Dyspraxy and Dysgnosy
Developmental Delay Syndromes and Chiropractic: A Case Report
Blum CL, Cuthbert S, Williams S, Developmental Delay Syndromes and Chiropractic: A Case Report. International Conference on Chiropractic Research. Vilamoura, Portugal - May 17-19, 2007: CM53.
Chiropractic treatment for developmental delay syndromes (DDS), while controversial to some, has growing support in the research literature. Yet at this time there is no conclusive information on the causation of DDS. This ultimately leads to some lack of clarity about treatment options, particularly for children sensitive to medication or who do not choose medication as an option.
Patients are actively seeking alternative care, and particularly care that offers low risk and measurable benefits should be brought to their attention. Since for many patients and their families the option of no treatment for DDS is not an "option," we need to explore which patients might best respond to conservative therapies such as chiropractic.
The current evidence supports the premise that some DDS may be secondary to trauma and related to the sensory-motor impairment syndrome known as dyspraxia. While the studies are inconclusive, there is an emerging evidence base that does show chiropractic care may be successfully employed in the treatment of patients with DDS such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, learning disabilities, and ADHD.
ADHD Helped With Chiropractic, A Case Study
In the October 2004 issue of the peer-reviewed research publication, the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics (JMPT), comes a case study of a child with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), who was helped with chiropractic.
The case was of a 5 year old boy who had been diagnosed with ADHD at age 2. The child’s pediatrician prescribed methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, and Haldol for the next 3 years. The combination of drugs was unsuccessful in helping the child.
At age 5 the child was brought to a chiropractor to see if chiropractic care would help. The history taken at that time noted that during the child’s birth, there were complications during his delivery process. The results of this trauma and complications resulted in a 4-day stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. The child’s mother reported no other incidence of trauma.
The chiropractic examination and x-rays showed noticeable spinal distortion including a reversal of the normal neck curve indicative of subluxations. Chiropractic care was begun and the child ’s progress was monitored.
According to his mother, positive changes in her son`s general behavior were noticed around the twelfth visit. By the 27th visit the patient had experienced considerable improvement.
The child was brought by the mother to the medical doctor for a follow up visit and questioned the usage of the Ritalin. The medical doctor reviewed and examined the child and based on that assessment and his clinical experience, the MD felt that the young boy was no longer exhibiting symptoms associated with ADHD. He then took the boy off the medications that he had been taking for 3 years.
The conclusion of the author of the JMPT case study noted, “The patient experienced significant reduction in symptoms. Additionally, the medical doctor concluded that the reduction in symptoms was significant enough to discontinue the medication.”
An evaluation of chiropractic manipulation as a treatment of hyperactivity in children. Giesen JM, Center DB, Leach RA J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1989 (Oct);12 (5):353-363
The principle aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic manipulative therapy in the treatment of children with hyperactivity. Using blinds between investigators and a single subject research design, the investigators evaluated the effectiveness of the treatment for reducing activity levels of hyperactive children.
Data collection included independent evaluations of behavior using a unique wrist-watch type device to mechanically measure activity while the children completed tasks simulating school-work. Further evaluations included electrodermal tests to measure autonomic nervous system activity. Chiropractic clinical evaluations to measure improvement in spinal biomechanics were also completed. Placebo care was given prior to chiropractic intervention.
Data were analyzed visually and using nonparametric statistical methods. Five of seven children showed improvement in mean behavioral scores from placebo care to treatment. Four of seven showed improvement in arousal levels, and the improvement in the group as a whole was highly significant (p = 0.009). Agreement between tests was also high in this study.
For all seven children, three of the four principal tests used to detect improvement were in agreement either positively or negatively (parent ratings of activity, motion recorder scores, electrodermal measures, and X-rays of spinal distortions). While the behavioral improvement taken alone can only be considered suggestive, the strong interest agreement can be taken as more impressive evidence that the majority of the children in this study did, in fact, improve under specific chiropractic care.
The results of this study, then, are not conclusive, however, they do suggest that chiropractic manipulation has the potential to become an important nondrug intervention for children with hyperactivity. Further investigation in this area is certainly warranted.
Behavioral and Learning Changes Secondary to Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxations in a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Case Study
Lovett L, Blum CL Behavioral and Learning Changes Secondary to Chiropractic Care to Reduce Subluxations in a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Case Study Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research, Oct 2006:1-6.
Objective: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is extremely subjective in both diagnosis and treatment. No single cause has yet been determined for this disorder nor has there been a single treatment plan that is effective in a majority of cases. This paper proposes a possible etiology for some cases of ADHD with respect to concentration and hyperactivity along with a possible positive association with chiropractic adjustments.
Conclusion: There are many causes to ADHD as well as other learning and behavioral disorders; therefore conclusions cannot be conclusively drawn by a single case study. A possible conclusion that can be drawn in this case is that adjusting spinal lesions (e.g., subluxations) appeared to reduce the child’s pain and discomfort, which allowed him the ability to concentrate, learn and “sit still.” Further studies with controls need to be conducted in this area to determine the effectiveness of chiropractic care in aiding the symptoms of children who are classified as ADHD.
The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems Upledger JE J Am Osteopath Assoc. 1978 Jun;77(10):760-776
This study examined grade school children and came up with a positive relationship between cranial motion restrictions and learning disabled children, as well as children with a history of an obstetrically complicated delivery.
Additional Chiropractic Case Studies:
1) Larry Webster, D.C. International Chiropractic Pediatric Association Newsletter. January 1996.
"After examining several diagnosed ADHD children, we find an upper cervical subluxation that can lead to neurotransmitter involvement."
A Mother's Testimonial. ICPA Newsletter. July/August 1998 (Dr. Angiolillo is in private practice in North Brunswick, NJ).
"When Kevin was 3 he was diagnosed as having ADHD. After trying diet changes, allergy testing and behavior modification techniques, we reluctantly agreed to put Kevin on Ritalin. The medication did its job as far as slowing him down a bit, but he suffered many side effects. In 2 years he grew only 2 inches and did not gain any weight at all. He cried easily, had trouble sleeping, no appetite, and would "zone out" quite often.
Finally at age 6 we made the decision to stop giving him Ritalin. He grew 6 inches in less than 1 year and gained nearly 15 pounds. His sleeping and eating patterns were still erratic, and the schoolwork was horrible…his writing was illegible and math made no sense to him.
We brought him to Dr. D'Angiolillo for chiropractic care, twice a week for 6 weeks. This past week when I went to his parent-teacher conference, the first thing the teacher asked me was had we put Kevin back on Ritalin. I said no, and she showed me samples of Kevin's work and showed me the sudden improvement…for the first time his writing is in the lines, it is easy to read and much more age appropriate.
Although he still tends to move around more than the average child does, he is able to concentrate, answer questions correctly and is reading better than most of his class!"
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Will I have to go forever?
It was mentioned to me the other day that once you see a chiropractor you will HAVE To go forever, this was my response:
The basic philosophy of chiropractic is not to relieve a symptom but to enable your body to function at it's optimal level. They do this through the nervous system, which is mostly located in your spine, hence the adjusment in the spine. If the nervous system is at's it's best this will enable the other systems in the body to be as well. This is done by finding and correcting subluxations (nerve interference in the spinal column this can be because of physical, emotional, or chemical trauma to the body). Once recognizing that not just physcial trauma can cause a subluxation needing chiropractic care for more than just headaches or car accidents becomes more clear. For most people care can be frequent at first, as much as three times a week. But after this initial period it becomes a matter of maintenance. Once a week, once a month, every other month. It is whatever you decide is best for you.
For myself personally I didn't think I NEEDED care. I felt pretty good most of the time, and Diet Coke helped the headaches (haven't touched one in almost 18 months!) After going I was amazed at how much better I felt overall, headaches were gone, my sleep improved, little aches and pains that I wasn't aware of until they were gone disappeared. For me it is worth going once or twice a month to prevent these things. You could really call it one of two things wellness care or preventative care.
As a parent that last thing I want it to see my children suffer. By getting them preventative or wellness care they are sick less often, and I have been amazed at what a wonder a small adjustment can do to help with things such as ear infections, coughs, stomach bugs. It is pretty wonderful to see your child suffering, receive an adjustment, spike a fever and be over the illness in 24-48 hours. For me and my family it is a choice of prevention and wellness. Just as I wouldn't skimp and buy cheap vitamins, or other supplements, I make sure I am doing the best to maintain my nervous system. Choose to spend the time and money to stay healthy, or choose to spend the time and money being sick and then geting better but never experiencing your highest level of health.
Chiropractic philosophy is the power that made the body will heal the body; The chiropractor didn't fix the body, they put the body in it's optimal state to heal itself (same philosophy of homeopathy and vital force). This is evidenced in something like low back pain. You may be feeling the pain in your low back, but the subluxation may be located in between your shoulder blades. By correcting this the low back pain is alleviated. That is also why chiropractic can help with things such as blood pressure, emotions, digestive problems, carpal tunnel, sciatica just to name a few.
I know this probably sounds like an infomercial, so I want to give a little more of my own history with chiropractic. I was raised entirely allopathic, my first three children did as well. I used drugs, and doctors to their fullest extent. Had anyone told me about chiropractors I would have probably politely agreed and then talked a mean storm about what a nut they were behind their back. (this was the case with my sister-in-law who doesn't vax, I thought she was for sure her kids were going to bring every ailment to my kids, I have since apologized.) I have learned from the ground up, done so much research and been so grateful to the things my eyes have been opened up to as a result of chiropractic (this happened when my husband started chiropractic school). My children were all fully vaxxed up until needing kindergarten shots, which we happily passed on. We ate fast food several times a week, and ate mostly processed food at home. This has changed almost completely, and I am excited with how much I have learned, how much more I have to learn, and the opportunity to share this with as many people as I can. Wow this got long, I hope this answered you question. And as my husband says, if you have a nervous system, you need a chiropractor.
The basic philosophy of chiropractic is not to relieve a symptom but to enable your body to function at it's optimal level. They do this through the nervous system, which is mostly located in your spine, hence the adjusment in the spine. If the nervous system is at's it's best this will enable the other systems in the body to be as well. This is done by finding and correcting subluxations (nerve interference in the spinal column this can be because of physical, emotional, or chemical trauma to the body). Once recognizing that not just physcial trauma can cause a subluxation needing chiropractic care for more than just headaches or car accidents becomes more clear. For most people care can be frequent at first, as much as three times a week. But after this initial period it becomes a matter of maintenance. Once a week, once a month, every other month. It is whatever you decide is best for you.
For myself personally I didn't think I NEEDED care. I felt pretty good most of the time, and Diet Coke helped the headaches (haven't touched one in almost 18 months!) After going I was amazed at how much better I felt overall, headaches were gone, my sleep improved, little aches and pains that I wasn't aware of until they were gone disappeared. For me it is worth going once or twice a month to prevent these things. You could really call it one of two things wellness care or preventative care.
As a parent that last thing I want it to see my children suffer. By getting them preventative or wellness care they are sick less often, and I have been amazed at what a wonder a small adjustment can do to help with things such as ear infections, coughs, stomach bugs. It is pretty wonderful to see your child suffering, receive an adjustment, spike a fever and be over the illness in 24-48 hours. For me and my family it is a choice of prevention and wellness. Just as I wouldn't skimp and buy cheap vitamins, or other supplements, I make sure I am doing the best to maintain my nervous system. Choose to spend the time and money to stay healthy, or choose to spend the time and money being sick and then geting better but never experiencing your highest level of health.
Chiropractic philosophy is the power that made the body will heal the body; The chiropractor didn't fix the body, they put the body in it's optimal state to heal itself (same philosophy of homeopathy and vital force). This is evidenced in something like low back pain. You may be feeling the pain in your low back, but the subluxation may be located in between your shoulder blades. By correcting this the low back pain is alleviated. That is also why chiropractic can help with things such as blood pressure, emotions, digestive problems, carpal tunnel, sciatica just to name a few.
I know this probably sounds like an infomercial, so I want to give a little more of my own history with chiropractic. I was raised entirely allopathic, my first three children did as well. I used drugs, and doctors to their fullest extent. Had anyone told me about chiropractors I would have probably politely agreed and then talked a mean storm about what a nut they were behind their back. (this was the case with my sister-in-law who doesn't vax, I thought she was for sure her kids were going to bring every ailment to my kids, I have since apologized.) I have learned from the ground up, done so much research and been so grateful to the things my eyes have been opened up to as a result of chiropractic (this happened when my husband started chiropractic school). My children were all fully vaxxed up until needing kindergarten shots, which we happily passed on. We ate fast food several times a week, and ate mostly processed food at home. This has changed almost completely, and I am excited with how much I have learned, how much more I have to learn, and the opportunity to share this with as many people as I can. Wow this got long, I hope this answered you question. And as my husband says, if you have a nervous system, you need a chiropractor.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Chiropractic Lowers Blood Pressure
March 25, 2008
Though doctors are unsure of what causes blood pressure to increase, a new study suggests that a specific type of neck adjustment may reduce hypertension for some of the 65 million Americans battling it.
The University of Chicago study, published in the Journal of Human Hypertension this month, looked at the possibility of a connection between a spinal realignment and a decrease in blood pressure.
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"We set up a double-blind study to really look and see if in fact this procedure was affecting high blood pressure," said University of Chicago Medical Center hypertension specialist George Bakris.
The results were intriguing. The patients who received the chiropractic adjustments saw their blood pressure drop an average of 17 points -- a dip that usually takes two blood pressure medications to achieve.
"My blood pressure dropped tremendously," said Denise Nieman, who had neck pain before participating in the study.
Why It May Work
The idea behind the realignment is that the C-1 vertebra, located at the top of the spine, operates like a fuse box in the body. When it's twisted, it can pinch arteries and nerves at the neck's base, which not only causes discomfort but also affects blood flow.
"When the spine is misaligned, it can affect all types of things, all types of disease, conditions," said chiropractor Marshall Dickholtz Jr.
So for patients like Nieman, whose X-rays showed her C-1 out of alignment, the special chiropractic adjustment lowered the pain and her blood pressure simultaneously.
The Limitations
While the study presents some interesting ideas, it has its limitations, according to "Good Morning America" medical editor Dr. Tim Johnson.
"[There are] a lot of unanswered questions. But I'm telling you, this catches our attention because of a significant drop in blood pressure. It absolutely deserves more study," Johnson said.
A larger study has been commissioned; in the original study only 50 patients were treated, of which only 25 got the real adjustment, while the others received a fake one. Afterward there was only an eight-week follow-up.
March 25, 2008
Though doctors are unsure of what causes blood pressure to increase, a new study suggests that a specific type of neck adjustment may reduce hypertension for some of the 65 million Americans battling it.
The University of Chicago study, published in the Journal of Human Hypertension this month, looked at the possibility of a connection between a spinal realignment and a decrease in blood pressure.
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"We set up a double-blind study to really look and see if in fact this procedure was affecting high blood pressure," said University of Chicago Medical Center hypertension specialist George Bakris.
The results were intriguing. The patients who received the chiropractic adjustments saw their blood pressure drop an average of 17 points -- a dip that usually takes two blood pressure medications to achieve.
"My blood pressure dropped tremendously," said Denise Nieman, who had neck pain before participating in the study.
Why It May Work
The idea behind the realignment is that the C-1 vertebra, located at the top of the spine, operates like a fuse box in the body. When it's twisted, it can pinch arteries and nerves at the neck's base, which not only causes discomfort but also affects blood flow.
"When the spine is misaligned, it can affect all types of things, all types of disease, conditions," said chiropractor Marshall Dickholtz Jr.
So for patients like Nieman, whose X-rays showed her C-1 out of alignment, the special chiropractic adjustment lowered the pain and her blood pressure simultaneously.
The Limitations
While the study presents some interesting ideas, it has its limitations, according to "Good Morning America" medical editor Dr. Tim Johnson.
"[There are] a lot of unanswered questions. But I'm telling you, this catches our attention because of a significant drop in blood pressure. It absolutely deserves more study," Johnson said.
A larger study has been commissioned; in the original study only 50 patients were treated, of which only 25 got the real adjustment, while the others received a fake one. Afterward there was only an eight-week follow-up.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Chiropractic and Pregnancy
Chiropractic and Pregnancy: Greater Comfort and Safer Births
How can chiropractic add comfort?
Chiropractic care in pregnancy is an essential ingredient to your prenatal care choices. A large percent of all pregnant women experience back discomfort/ pain during pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and an interference to your body's normal structural adaptations to that growth.
Preexisting unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis become overtaxed during these times. The added stresses lead to discomfort and difficulty while performing routine, daily activities. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the common discomforts experienced in pregnancy. Specific adjustments eliminate these stresses in your spine, restore balance to your pelvis and result in greater comfort and lifestyle improvements.
Comfort for your baby, too.
As your baby develops, your uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth. So long as the pelvis is in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalized, supportive suspension for the uterus. If your pelvis is out of balance in any way, these ligaments become torqued and twisted, causing a condition known as constraint to your uterus. This constraint limits the space of the developing baby. Any compromised position for the baby throughout pregnancy will affect his or her optimal development. Conditions such as torticollis occur because a baby's space was cramped in utero.
If the woman's uterus is constrained as birth approaches, the baby is prevented from getting into the best possible position for birth. Even if the baby is in the desirable head down position, often times constraint to the uterus affects the baby's head from moving into the ideal presentation for delivery. The head may be slightly tilted off to one side or even more traumatically, present in the posterior position. Any baby position even slightly off during birth will slow down labor, and add pain to both the mother and baby. Many women have been told that their babies were too big, or labor "just slowed down" when it was really the baby's presentation interfering with the normal process and progression. Avoidable interventions are implemented turing a natural process into an operative one.
Doctors of Chiropractic work specifically with your pelvis throughout pregnancy restoring a state of balance and creating an environment for an easier, safer delivery.
Preparing for a Safer Birth
Dystocia is defined as difficult labor and is something every woman wants to avoid. In addition to the pain and exhaustion caused by long, difficult labors, dystocia leads to multiple, medical interventions which may be physically and emotionally traumatic to both you and your baby. Some of these interventions are the administering of pitocin, the use of epidurals, painful episiotomies, forceful pulling on the baby's fragile spine, vacuum extraction, forceps and perhaps even c-sections.
Each of these procedures carry a high risk of injury to you, your baby or both! However, all of these procedures used to hasten the delivery process can be avoided if delivery goes more smoothly to begin with.
When reviewing the obstetric texts, the reported reasons for dystocia are caused by pelvic imbalance and its resulting effects on your uterus and your baby's position. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy restores balance to your pelvic muscles and ligaments and therefore leads to safer and easier deliveries for you and your baby. Additionally, the chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the nervous system allowing your uterus to function at its maximum potential. Published studies have indicated that chiropractic care does in fact reduce labor time.
We offer specific analysis and adjustments for your special needs in pregnancy. You and your baby's continued safety and comfort is primary in our care. This pregnancy, offer yourself the best! Include the many benefits chiropractic offers in your prenatal care choices. Call for your individual consultation. Give you and your baby the opportunity for a more comfortable pregnancy and a safer, easier birth!
Click Here for Website
By Jeanne Ohm, D.C. | Published 07/14/2004 | Chiropractic |
How can chiropractic add comfort?
Chiropractic care in pregnancy is an essential ingredient to your prenatal care choices. A large percent of all pregnant women experience back discomfort/ pain during pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and an interference to your body's normal structural adaptations to that growth.
Preexisting unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis become overtaxed during these times. The added stresses lead to discomfort and difficulty while performing routine, daily activities. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy can relieve and even prevent the common discomforts experienced in pregnancy. Specific adjustments eliminate these stresses in your spine, restore balance to your pelvis and result in greater comfort and lifestyle improvements.
Comfort for your baby, too.
As your baby develops, your uterus enlarges to accommodate the rapid growth. So long as the pelvis is in a balanced state, the ligaments connected to the uterus maintain an equalized, supportive suspension for the uterus. If your pelvis is out of balance in any way, these ligaments become torqued and twisted, causing a condition known as constraint to your uterus. This constraint limits the space of the developing baby. Any compromised position for the baby throughout pregnancy will affect his or her optimal development. Conditions such as torticollis occur because a baby's space was cramped in utero.
If the woman's uterus is constrained as birth approaches, the baby is prevented from getting into the best possible position for birth. Even if the baby is in the desirable head down position, often times constraint to the uterus affects the baby's head from moving into the ideal presentation for delivery. The head may be slightly tilted off to one side or even more traumatically, present in the posterior position. Any baby position even slightly off during birth will slow down labor, and add pain to both the mother and baby. Many women have been told that their babies were too big, or labor "just slowed down" when it was really the baby's presentation interfering with the normal process and progression. Avoidable interventions are implemented turing a natural process into an operative one.
Doctors of Chiropractic work specifically with your pelvis throughout pregnancy restoring a state of balance and creating an environment for an easier, safer delivery.
Preparing for a Safer Birth
Dystocia is defined as difficult labor and is something every woman wants to avoid. In addition to the pain and exhaustion caused by long, difficult labors, dystocia leads to multiple, medical interventions which may be physically and emotionally traumatic to both you and your baby. Some of these interventions are the administering of pitocin, the use of epidurals, painful episiotomies, forceful pulling on the baby's fragile spine, vacuum extraction, forceps and perhaps even c-sections.
Each of these procedures carry a high risk of injury to you, your baby or both! However, all of these procedures used to hasten the delivery process can be avoided if delivery goes more smoothly to begin with.
When reviewing the obstetric texts, the reported reasons for dystocia are caused by pelvic imbalance and its resulting effects on your uterus and your baby's position. Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy restores balance to your pelvic muscles and ligaments and therefore leads to safer and easier deliveries for you and your baby. Additionally, the chiropractic adjustment removes interference to the nervous system allowing your uterus to function at its maximum potential. Published studies have indicated that chiropractic care does in fact reduce labor time.
We offer specific analysis and adjustments for your special needs in pregnancy. You and your baby's continued safety and comfort is primary in our care. This pregnancy, offer yourself the best! Include the many benefits chiropractic offers in your prenatal care choices. Call for your individual consultation. Give you and your baby the opportunity for a more comfortable pregnancy and a safer, easier birth!
Click Here for Website
By Jeanne Ohm, D.C. | Published 07/14/2004 | Chiropractic |
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