Sunday, April 13, 2008

Is chiropractic Safe/Necessary for children?

Danny has told me more than once he wants to only adjust kids. Why? Adjusting a child ensure the opportunity to function at optimal health from the beginning. I love being able to tell people that Nathan received his first adjustment at 6 HOURS old, I am sure our chiropractor isn't the only one willing to make a "house call".
The power of chiropractic is the most effective healing tool I've seen in children. Essentially the only thing the chiropractor is doing is "turning the power on." The body does the rest. The power that made the body, heals the body.

Kid Chiropractic

The normal birthing process places a tremendous amount of stress on the neck. If the baby's head presents in any other than a posterior occiput position (the baby's face is down), this can cause added stress. Any intervention such as vacuum or forceps causes additional trauma to the head and neck. Cesarean section is also considered a traumatic birth when considering the effects on the spine. Many obstetricians traction the head during a normal birth, using between 40 and 70 pounds of pressure, in order to birth the shoulder. This often causes damage to the cervical spine (neck) and the nerves that exit off the spine.

Even if you child came through the birth process without subluxations, they can be acquired afterwards. Babies neck muscles are weak and are unable to support the head. Infant car seats may be designed to protect a baby in the event of a crash, but they lack support of the neck. Whenever you stop and accelerate the car their heads go forward and back and side to side, which can cause vertebrae to subluxate.

Throughout the first year, a baby's spine will grow 50%. Whenever there is rapid growth, that is the time when things can go wrong. Regular chiropractic checkups ensure that your child's spine is growing properly. During the first year, they also develop the secondary curves of the spine in the neck and low back. If these curves fail to develop, there is a greater chance that they will develop scoliosis, or curvature of the spine.

Towards the end of the first year they will be learning how to walk and will fall an extraordinary amount of times. If you fell that often, do you think that your spine would feel the effects of the trauma?

As kids get older, they get even more active with more potential for physical trauma. And, if they play sports, that potential increases. And what about the child who sits at the computer or hunches over his hand-held game! Making sure that their spines are subluxation free means that your children can endure more physical stress with a lesser risk of injury.

Physical trauma is the most obvious reason kids need their spines checked out regularly, but emotional and toxic stress can also cause subluxations in kids. Many times children have accidents and parents may believe that they are fine because there is no external evidence of damage. Spinal subluxations sometimes don¹t signal an obvious symptom. The earlier children¹s spines are
checked, the earlier problems can be detected, preventing health problems from occurring and becoming serious. We recommend all children be checked regularly for nerve interference, even without symptoms present. Prevention is the best medicine.

Emotional stress, another cause of vertebral subluxation, is becoming a bigger issue for kids today as they try to cope with common scenarios like divorce, violence, and peer pressure. Our world is also becoming more toxic with an increase in pollution, packaged foods, and the number of recommended vaccines. Toxic overload can stress the body and cause subluxations. Chiropractic can help children adapt to these stresses so that they can function at a higher level.

If you know a child who is not under chiropractic care and suffers from any of the following problems, please urge the child¹s parent to consider Chiropractic.

Poor Posture
Stomach ache
Hearing loss
Ear infection
Neck/back pain
Leg/hip/foot pain
Bed Wetting
Skin problems
One leg shorter

Learning disorder
Sinus problems
Eye problems
Poor concentration
Hyper-activity/Attention deficit disorder

Just as it is recommended that children get regular dental checkups, it is important for kids to have their spines checked from birth onward. The only professional qualified to do this is a chiropractor. More and more, educated parents are choosing to take their children to chiropractors regularly, because they see that their children are healthier and happier!
Yes! Specific chiropractic adjustments are very safe since care is individually based only after a complete health history and chiropractic examination has been performed. Then, depending on the state of health and age of the patient, an appropriate technique will be utilized.

In the pediatric population a peer reviewed study of the literature (Pistolese R. JVSR 2(2) 1998) was performed from 1977 to 1998 and found the risk to neurological or vascular complications from chiropractic care to be 1/250,000,000. It is important to compare this with something like the risk of serious adverse injury from taking an aspirin at 4/1,000.

A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are "remarkably safe." By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic enjoys an excellent track record. In the adult population, unfortunately anyone who manipulates and injures a patient gets lumped in as a "chiropractic" statistic versus keeping professions as separate populations. This poses a problem for the chiropractors who perform specific chiropractic adjustments. Presently the cumulative risk from the professions who manipulate and adjust is approximated at between 1/3,000,000 to 1/500,000.

Also consider that chiropractic malpractice insurance rates are a fraction of those for medical doctors. These rates are based on the risk of injury or death to patients caused by practice procedures.

(Danny mentioned that the claims are usually from the child tripping over a table or some other "non-hazard" in the office, not necessarily from the adjustment.)

Find A Pediatric Chiropractor Near You.

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