Thursday, February 21, 2008

How can Chiropractic Help my overall Health?

The relationship between Spinal Adjustment and Health

From the time that we are born until the time we die, the body is in constant motion, even when at rest. The cells of our body are constantly dying and being replaced by new, healthy cells. Two and one-half million of them will die and be replaced every minute of your life. This is a normal process. Health can be defined as the ability of the body to replace the cells and tissue structures normally and consistently. In order for this process to occur, life force (mental impulse) must be flowing throughout the body to all cells and tissues. If the life force is interfered with the body does not have the ability to recreate it

Chiropractors work on primarily one thing - the vertebral subluxation. A subluxation is a vertebrae that is out of alignment with the vertebrae above and below resulting in nerve pressure and interference of the nerve impulse from the brain to the tissue cell. This causes a break down of the normal tissue cells until enough abnormal tissue cells have been formed to cause dis-ease. The Chiropractor's job is to remove the subluxation allowing the nerve impulse to get to the tissue cells and replace the abnormal cells with normal cells. This is healing.

Damaged tissue occurs in two ways. One, from acute trauma and two, the interference of the mental impulse from a subluxation: Cells of the body are constantly dying and being replaced as a normal life process. When a subluxation interferes with this normal process the results are a breakdown of normal tissue cells.Pain is a symptom, it is a warning signal sent to the brain that there has been damage.

Stresses and strains, knocks and bumps-of living can overcome the exact structural balance of the spinal column leading to poor health. Just look at others about you: heads forward, slumped shoulders, hollow backs, protuberant bellies, knock knees and flat feet, etc.

These people suffer from attendant health problems: heart trouble, stomach trouble, liver trouble, headaches, sinus trouble, sciatica, ear trouble, and other maladies. They may suffer from any of the nearly 400 different diseases or conditions caused by mis aligned vertebrae pinching nerves.

An adult spine is composed of 24 movable bones called vertebrae. Each vertebra has the general shape of a man's ring. The rings are stacked one on top of another forming a vertical tunnel.The delicate spinal cord just a little thicker than a pencil is suspended from the brain and extends down through the tunnel formed by the ring like vertebrae. Smaller nerves lead from the spinal cord through openings between the vertebrae. These openings are called foremen. The nerves emerge in pairs, one to the right and one to the left. There are 31 pairs of nerves. Each nerve goes to and controls a specific area of the body. When the spinal column is in proper alignment, the nerves pass unimpeded through the foremen. But when one or more vertebra become misaligned, the nerve is impinged (pinched), and normal nerve function is cut down or off to the parts of the body served by that nerve.

Misaligned vertebrae which pinch nerves are called spinal subluxations. A fall or injury may produce subluxations. They may result from stresses or strains, such as improper lifting . Chemical, electrical or emotional shocks may overload the nerve system's protective mechanism and produce subluxations.

Pinched nerves in a broken neck can cause partial paralysis of the legs and that if nerves are severely compressed, complete paralysis results.Pnched nerves can also afftect the lungs, heart, stomach or other parts of the body .

Lung, heart and stomach conditions deserve the same consideration that other forms of paralysis receive. Tissue deprived of nerve energy (impulses) cannot maintain good health without nerve guidance from the brain.

Some misaligned vertebrae correct themselves, but most require chiropractic care to assist for correction.

Only Nature Heals

Chiropractors do not give medicine to cure the sick. They know that nature provides each person with a built-in druggist capable of making medicines, hormones, enzymes and antibiotics. Just as your body heals cuts, mends broken bones and repairs damaged organs, so it can heal disease without harmful side effects. The human body is capable of healing itself of every known disease, provided nothing interferes with normal nerve function.

The Doctor of Chiropractic works with the spine and nerves. He was the first to recognize that spinal bones (vertebrae), twisted even slightly out of place, impinge the major nerve trunks at the point where they pass through the small openings between the vertebrae, thus causing pain and disease. The chiropractor has the know-how to restore normal nerve function the natural way to lasting health.

The nervous system controls and coordinates every organ and tissue of the body. There is a relationship between the spine and the health of the nervous system. Find the blockage and eliminate it and the body will move back toward health.
This is where I got the article from click here!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Montel Williams and Chiropractic

Watch this 6 minute video and see why Montel Williams is a new chiropractic believer.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Blind Man Sees Again

Blind man sees again
Although the article that is linked here says that they don't know how it happened, the chiropractor when they interview him explains it quite well. When our spine is subluxated (out of proper alignment) it interfers with our nervous system. Our nervous system is what carries out the messages sent by our brain, when the spine is out of alignment, these messages get interrupted, and can't carry out the job they were sent to do. Once this mans subluxations were corrected his brain was capable of getting the message to the nerves in the eye, therefore restoring the eyesight. Chiropractors don't "fix" backs, they adjust the spine to optimize the nervous systems function. Low back pain is often a result of a subluxation much higher in the spine. Just picture this, your eyes always have to be level, so if your atlas (the top bone in your spine) is out of alignment your body will naturally position itself to keep your eyes level. This may be by raising a shoulder, dipping a hip etc. Because you are no longer standing naturally, your muscles get sore because they are holding your body in place to keep your eyes level. This can cause all kinds of back pain because of the stress on your muscles. A chiropractor goes in and finds which vertebra is out of alignment and "adjusts" it back into alignment. Do you have to go to a chiropractor forever? No, but if you have been subluxated for 5, 10, 20 years your muscles have been holding the bones incorrectly and need to be retrained. Therefore, you may have to see a chiropractor more than once. Initially the treatment may be very frequent, and begin to space out as your see improvement. After you are in good repair you can usually feel when you are "out" and go and see the chiropractor. Most people find that going once a month or every other month for maintence helps keep them in optimum condition. Do you go and get maintenance on your teeth every 6 months? A physical once a year? Do you get the oil changed on your car every 3000 miles so it last longer? You should be treating your nervous system to this same routine of Wellness Care!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Teen Screen

Below is a portion of an newspaper article about a new system that the government is wanting to put into highschools across the nation. It is a computerized test to assess and diagnos teens to see what type of psychological problems they have. The disgusting part about all of this is that it is funded and back by the pharmacetucal companies. Can you say conflict of intrest? The most distrubing part is that the test is being administered without parental consent. If the whistle isn't blown on this who knows what else they will find okay to do to our children without consent. Because the article is so very long I have included to portions of it and then a link to read the rest.

TeenScreen - The Law Suits Begin

By Evelyn Pringle
The scheme concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and pushed forward by
the Bush administration to screen the entire nation's public school
population for mental illness and treat them with controversial drugs was
already setting off alarms among parents all across the country. But in the
state of Indiana, the alarm just got louder.

Tax payers had better get out their check books because school taxes are
about to go up as the law suits against school boards start mounting over
the TeenScreen depression survey being administered to children in the school.

The first notice of intent to sue was filed this month in Indiana by
Michael and Teresa Rhoades who were outraged when they learned their
daughter had been given a psychological test at school without their consent.

In December 2004, their daughter came home from school and said she had
been diagnosed with an obsessive compulsive and social anxiety disorder
after taking the TeenScreen survey.

Teresa Rhoades always viewed her daughter as a happy normal teenager. “I
was absolutely outraged that my daughter was told she had these two
conditions based off a computer test,” said Rhoades.

Attorney John Price, who is representing the Rhoadeses, confirmed that he
had sent a notice of tort claim to both the school and Madison Center,
which worked with the school system to administer the test.

This action means that the Rhoadeses are declaring their intent to file a
lawsuit against both entities. Price said state law requires a notice of
claim to be sent to any governmental agencies, including schools, before a
lawsuit can be filed against them, according to the June 9, South Bend

In the notice, Teresa and Michael Rhoades claim the survey was erroneous,
improper, and done with reckless disregard for their daughter's welfare and
that they did not give the school permission to give the test.

The parents allege that when their daughter took the test, she was
improperly diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and social anxiety
disorder. That diagnosis, they claim, caused both the teen and her parents
emotional distress, and the family intends to seek the "maximum amount of

The Indiana child was diagnosed with two disorders in one crack but there
are many more.

If a teen doesn't like doing math assignments, parents should not worry.
TeenScreen may determine that the child simply has a mental illness known
as developmental- arithmetic disorder.

There's also a diagnosis for those children who like to argue with their
parents, they may be afflicted with a mental illness known
oppositional- defiant disorder.

And for anybody critical of the of the above 2 disorders, they may be
suffering the mental illness called noncompliance- with-treatment disorder.

No kidding, these illnesses are included in the more than 350 "mental
disorders" listed in the American Psychiatric Association' s Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the insurance billing bible for
mental disorders.

Tax Dollars Already Being Funneled To Pharma

In addition to lawsuits, tax dollars are already funding TeenScreen and
many of the drugs purchased by the new customers it recruits.

While promoting TeenScreen to Congress, its Executive Director, Laurie
Flynn, flat out lied when she told members of congress that TeenScreen was
free and its website statement that "The program does not receive financial
support from the government and is not affiliated with, or funded by, any
pharmaceutical companies," is also a blatant lie.

On Oct 21, 2004 Bush authorized $82 million for suicide prevention programs
like TeenScreen and a report in Psychiatric Times said the administration
had proposed an increase in the budget for the Center for Mental Health
Service from $862 million in 2004 to $912 million in fiscal 2005.
TeenScreen is sure to get a cut of those tax dollars.

Federal tax dollars are also being funneled through state governments to
fund TeenScreen. On Nov 17, 2004, Officials at the University of South
Florida Department of Child & Family Studies said $98,641 was awarded to
expand the TeenScreen program in the Tampa Bay area.

In Ohio, under the governor's Executive Budget for 2006 and 2007, the
Department of Mental Health has specifically earmarked $70,000 for
TeenScreen for each of those years, reports investigator Sue Weibert.

On June, 2002 the Update Newsletter published by the Tennessee Department
of Mental Health, reported that 170 Nashville students had completed a
TeenScreen survey. The Newsletter said the survey was funded by grants from
AdvoCare and Eli Lilly. Last I knew, Eli Lilly was a pharmaceutical company.

The great news for Pharma was that 96 of the 170 students who took the
survey ended up speaking to a therapist which no doubt resulted in the
recruitment of 96 new pill-popping teens.

Tax Dollars Spent On Drugs
Click Here for Financial information on Teen Screen

In Ohio there's Mike Hogan, Director of the Ohio Department of Mental
Health. He's hooked in with Parexel Medical Marketing, a front group that
takes Pharma money to set "advisory panels" for Pharma. The panel
memberships are made up exclusively of Mental Health, Medicaid and other
Directors from the various states. Michael Hogan is listed as an advisory
board member.

The panel members are treated to trips, first class accommodations and
other perks in exchange for showing up and listening to a spiel by Janssen
sales personnel who direct the course of the meetings. The same kinds of
meetings that Fiorello attended.

Hopefully will be just a matter of time before the new senate committee
disbands this gang of pharma-backed government pill-pushers.

Trying To Save The Children

Dire warnings against mass mental health screening are coming from every
segment of society, including parents, physicians, academics, journalists,
and human rights groups because the influence of the pharmaceutical
industry in this scheme is so patently obvious.

People are particularly worried about saving the children from senseless
and dangerous drugging. According to long-time anti-child drugging
advocate, Doyle Mills, "Psychiatry has a long history of abject failure.
Psychiatric treatments - drugs, electroconvulsive therapy, lobotomies -
have harmed millions and robbed them of any hope of a normal life."

Expert records researcher, Ken Kramer, has been fighting against child
drugging for years has conducted a research project on child suicides in
Florida that determined that medicating kids with the types of dangerous
mind-altering drugs on these lists is causing suicide. He helped defeat
TeenScreen's attempt to gain access to schools in 2 of Florida's largest
counties. Ken has a TeenScreen website at
http://www.psychsea en.html

Dr Karen Effrem, a pediatrician and strong opponent of mandatory screening
recently warned, "Universal mental health screening and the drugging of
children ... needs to be stopped so that many thousands if not millions of
children will be saved from receiving stigmatizing diagnoses that would
follow them for the rest of their lives. America's school children should
not be medicated by expensive, ineffective, and dangerous medications based
on vague and dubious diagnoses."

In a letter to the editor in the Washington Times on October 31, 2004,
Effrem summed up the dangers of using tax dollars to fund mass mental
health screening of children:

"Given the very real problems of already existing coercion, subjective
criteria, dangerous and ineffective medication, and the failure of
screening to prevent suicide ... Congress would be wise to withhold the $44
million requested for state grants."

The nation's first law suit has been filed and let it serve as a warning to
other schools across the country to think twice before allowing the
TeenScreen recruitment scheme to zero in on their students.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Migraines, the second conversion

After reading my conversion story, Danny reminded me about the migraine headaches. I told him that although that had an impact it wasn't the first time I believed. I would get about 3-4 migraine headaches a year. I would generally feel them coming on early in the morning. I would be sitting at work, and would start to wonder if it was the lighting that was making things seem "off." Generally I would notice what was going on in time to drive myself home. I would get home in time to tell Danny, and then spend the day in bed. The last migraine headache that I had in Utah my mom had given me a Imitrex for migraines. I took it and after about 30 minutes I felt like I had taken done speed. Now I had never really done speed before but from the description, I knew I was experiencing a little "trip". For as tired as I knew that I was, and for as much as I knew I should lay down I felt my mind racing and my body was aggitated. The migraine pain was gone, but the side effects were just as bad as the migraine. The day after I had the migraine I had what I called the migraine hangover, I didn't have the pain but my body was tired because of it. I feel lucky that I only had migraines a couple times a year, I did have regular headaches a couple of times a week.
We had been in Georgia about 4 months when I got a migraine. I called Danny at school, he told me to take it as easy as I could and he would get home as soon as he could. When he got home he told me he had made an appointment for me at the chiropractor. I got to the chiropractor, and didn't really care what he did to me as long as the pain in my head went away. He adjusted my neck once and the pain relieved a little bit. I told him it was a little better he felt my neck again and another adjustment, better, one more and the migraine was gone. In it's entirety gone. The only thing I felt was the hangover, and I could handle that. I haven't had a migraine since, 2 years migraine free. The regular headaches disappeared as well. I do get a headache from time to time, and immediately head into the chiropractor, get adjusted and my headaches are gone.
Because of the difference in severity and duration of migraines, not all migraines are going to disappear immediately, however within the first month of treatment you should see a difference.
A friend of Danny's used to suffer from migraines that would put him in bed for 3-4 days at a time, and they happened at least once a month. He was finally turned to chiropractic and with the adjustments he migraines decreased in frequency and severity. He is to the point where he has maybe one to two migraines a year, and they last one day because he seeks care upon starting the migraine. This changed his life so much he packed up and headed to school to become a chiropractor in his 40's.
The best part of trying chiropractic is that there is zero side effects. Any medication that your try is bound to come with side effects, here is the list of side effects from Imitrex
Side Effects
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using sumatriptan and call your doctor if you have a serious side effect such as:
chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;

sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body;

sudden headache, confusion, problems with vision, speech, or balance;

fast heart rate, agitation, muscle stiffness, hallucinations, lack of coordination, with nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea;

sudden and severe stomach pain and bloody diarrhea;

seizure (convulsions); or

numbness or tingling and a pale or blue-colored appearance in your fingers or toes.

Less serious side effects may include:

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

muscle pain;

warmth or redness under your skin;

pressure or heavy feeling in any part of your body;

sneezing, runny nose, congestion, cough;

burning, numbness, pain or other irritation in your nose or throat after using the nasal spray;

unusual taste in your mouth after using the nasal spray;

dizziness, sleepiness; or

drooling or sweating.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect. For the complete list of things to watch for, tell your doctor about, not use with, not use after, things to avoid (one of them is thinking (LOL)), etc. CLICK HERE
With chiropractic the only side effect of an adjustment is that you might find that the pain you had in your leg, the restlessness you felt going to sleep at night, or the grinding of your teeth is gone! I would give you a link but just like with each adjustment being specialized for each patient, the potential side effect "benefit" will be different for each person (aren't you lucky!) Research