Sunday, February 3, 2008

Migraines, the second conversion

After reading my conversion story, Danny reminded me about the migraine headaches. I told him that although that had an impact it wasn't the first time I believed. I would get about 3-4 migraine headaches a year. I would generally feel them coming on early in the morning. I would be sitting at work, and would start to wonder if it was the lighting that was making things seem "off." Generally I would notice what was going on in time to drive myself home. I would get home in time to tell Danny, and then spend the day in bed. The last migraine headache that I had in Utah my mom had given me a Imitrex for migraines. I took it and after about 30 minutes I felt like I had taken done speed. Now I had never really done speed before but from the description, I knew I was experiencing a little "trip". For as tired as I knew that I was, and for as much as I knew I should lay down I felt my mind racing and my body was aggitated. The migraine pain was gone, but the side effects were just as bad as the migraine. The day after I had the migraine I had what I called the migraine hangover, I didn't have the pain but my body was tired because of it. I feel lucky that I only had migraines a couple times a year, I did have regular headaches a couple of times a week.
We had been in Georgia about 4 months when I got a migraine. I called Danny at school, he told me to take it as easy as I could and he would get home as soon as he could. When he got home he told me he had made an appointment for me at the chiropractor. I got to the chiropractor, and didn't really care what he did to me as long as the pain in my head went away. He adjusted my neck once and the pain relieved a little bit. I told him it was a little better he felt my neck again and another adjustment, better, one more and the migraine was gone. In it's entirety gone. The only thing I felt was the hangover, and I could handle that. I haven't had a migraine since, 2 years migraine free. The regular headaches disappeared as well. I do get a headache from time to time, and immediately head into the chiropractor, get adjusted and my headaches are gone.
Because of the difference in severity and duration of migraines, not all migraines are going to disappear immediately, however within the first month of treatment you should see a difference.
A friend of Danny's used to suffer from migraines that would put him in bed for 3-4 days at a time, and they happened at least once a month. He was finally turned to chiropractic and with the adjustments he migraines decreased in frequency and severity. He is to the point where he has maybe one to two migraines a year, and they last one day because he seeks care upon starting the migraine. This changed his life so much he packed up and headed to school to become a chiropractor in his 40's.
The best part of trying chiropractic is that there is zero side effects. Any medication that your try is bound to come with side effects, here is the list of side effects from Imitrex
Side Effects
Get emergency medical help if you have any of these signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Stop using sumatriptan and call your doctor if you have a serious side effect such as:
chest pain or heavy feeling, pain spreading to the arm or shoulder, nausea, sweating, general ill feeling;

sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body;

sudden headache, confusion, problems with vision, speech, or balance;

fast heart rate, agitation, muscle stiffness, hallucinations, lack of coordination, with nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea;

sudden and severe stomach pain and bloody diarrhea;

seizure (convulsions); or

numbness or tingling and a pale or blue-colored appearance in your fingers or toes.

Less serious side effects may include:

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

muscle pain;

warmth or redness under your skin;

pressure or heavy feeling in any part of your body;

sneezing, runny nose, congestion, cough;

burning, numbness, pain or other irritation in your nose or throat after using the nasal spray;

unusual taste in your mouth after using the nasal spray;

dizziness, sleepiness; or

drooling or sweating.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Tell your doctor about any unusual or bothersome side effect. For the complete list of things to watch for, tell your doctor about, not use with, not use after, things to avoid (one of them is thinking (LOL)), etc. CLICK HERE
With chiropractic the only side effect of an adjustment is that you might find that the pain you had in your leg, the restlessness you felt going to sleep at night, or the grinding of your teeth is gone! I would give you a link but just like with each adjustment being specialized for each patient, the potential side effect "benefit" will be different for each person (aren't you lucky!) Research

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