I will never forgot the two days and two phone calls that sent us on the path to chiropractic. The first happened in February 2005 when Danny and I were sitting in a casino in Wendover, Utah. It was mid-morning, and I believe Danny was on a break from his poker tournament, and I was playing black-jack. The phone rang and Danny spoke to a friend for about 5 minutes. When he got off the phone I asked who it was and he told me it was his friend Whit. He said Whit was calling to tell him that he had been accepted to go to Chiropractic school in Georgia. Then Danny told me something about himself that he had never mentioned in the 5 years of our marriage, that before he ever wanted to be a dentist he had wanted to be a chiropractor. I said oh I guess that would have been cool. See we had just bought our first house, he had just been promoted to be an assistant manager at Sam's Club, and we discussed our life future and goals from this position. He didn't say anything much else about it and I kind of forgot about it. A little over a month later Danny called me from work, he was in the car driving to a training in Roy Utah, and said he wanted to go to chiropractic school. I said whatever, are you serious? He said he was very serious. I said as long as you will make enough money that I can stay at home I don't really care what you do. As far a I knew chiropractors fixed backs, and I had never thought about going to one, the thought actually scared me a bit. I said if you are really serious I want to choose where we are going to go, he said okay look into and give me your options. I immediately got off the phone and onto the really slow internet (dial-up). I searched for schools to learn that there were only 16 in the U.S. and only 14 of them were accredited. I looked dillegently through all of the websites, seeing what I read, and how it made me feel. I knew the instant that my eyes hit the website for Life University, that this was the school for us. It wasn't because our friend was going to there, but because it was it, no other options. When Danny came home and looked at all the options he came to the same conclusions. So it was off to Georgia, sort of. First we had to try to sale our house (we ended up with a lease to purchse) then we moved in with Danny's parents for three months that turned into 6, this was so Danny could finish one more class at the University of Utah (go UTES!) We packed up a few days after Christmas and we were off on the adventure, that would literally change our lives.
I didn't know a thing about chiropractic, and although Danny knew somewhat of Chiro, it didn't even put a drop in the bucket of what we have learned. The first lesson that Danny came home with is that Chiropractic is a lifestyle, not just something that the doctor does to your back. The first lesson I learned was that I would have to be open to things, and not just accept things that I had always done as right. I would have to
change. My first adjustment, was the thing that solidified that chiropractic works. A few days after I had Alison and Lisa a had a pain right under my left shoulder blade that was more intense and persistant than any other pain I had ever had in my body. After they finally came home from the hospital is started to subside, and about a month later the pain was "gone." Because of this I attributed the pain to stress, because whenever I was under high stress I would start to feel a faint pain in that spot. We had lived in Georgia for three months when I finally got up the courage to go to the chiro. He adjusted me, it didn't kill me, or hurt, and when I stood up I felt like my left shoulder was floating. Like someone had lifted a 15 pound weight (I am not exaggerating) off of my shoulder.
I couldn't believe it I was excited and mystfied, and knew in the moment that my life was changed forever. I came home and immediately called my mom to tell her of my experience, she said that is fine, just as long as you don't tell me that chiropractic can cure cancer. I am here to tell you today mom, that a chiropractor as a physical being can't cure cancer. HOWEVER, the chiropractor can make adjustments to help the body function at it's very best, and living the chiropractic livestyle can help prevent or cure cancer. So when I am telling you things about chiropractic, please know I have stood in your shoes, I have doubted and feared, but I am proud to stand in my shoes (on my soapbox) and hopefully help others make the connection between health and chiropractic.
(on a side note, I no longer have the pain under my shoulder, but I am pretty sure that because it took so long for me to have it adjusted after the intial injury, I still have to have it adjusted every 3 months or so. And it is worth every second of it!)
Stay tuned I think next I need to explain the chiropractic lifestyle.
1 comment:
Hi Marci,
Thanks for your comment on my blog! Totally random, but I think we've met before here in Atlanta. If you are who I am thinking of, I believe our husbands went to school together, played on the same basketball team and, if I'm not mistaken, I think we both had one of our babies on the same day! lol Small world, huh?
I'm going to request to join the FB group shortly. Thanks again!
- Ari (http://lovepeaceandtinyfeet.blogspot.com)
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